Permissions Wonky?
On my newly converted to vanilla forums, I seem to be having some strange permissions and login/out issues.
I set most of the forums to be invisible to guests, but when I logout, they are still there.
In addition, when I am logged out, it seems I can still access the dashboard? None of the options seem to save though
you can see it at
Any ideas why? I added one extra type of permission/user, but that shouldn't have borked the whole thing...right?
Also, when a member is invited, and they use the invite code, they aren't assigned a role.
I'm not sure if these are related issues.
Ok, I figured out the weird Dashboard issue, it had something to do with the theme. I went back to default and it cleared it up.
However, the invites aren't working. They aren't being assigned.
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The current downloadable one. 2.0.18?
I actually have a more pressing permissions issue than email invites. I need another user level, that can see the general forum, but not the private ones.
When I add a role and set their permissions, when I log out, EVERYONE can see the private stuff. RAWR.
It looks like stuff gets all messed up if I try to mass change Roles in the GDN_UserRole table using SQL Queries. However, there is no Bulk Admin options in the dashboard.
Also, when I invite someone via Email, it assigns their role to 9, which is nonexistant. I changed the role to Full Member (Role 33, the new one), and in the GDN_UserRole table there is the user listed twice, once with 9 and once with 33.
Bug report on Github?
Bug report on Github?
DId you convert from another forum?
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this I can't understand what you mean. it could be pagoda or who knows (cookie issues) Is it an internal system on a firewall that caches. E
exactly what plugins do you have set up, what themes, what is your environment.
a friendly tip:
each discussion requires the info. You can't assume everyone is following every discussion you post. How do you know EVERYONE - how do you test this.
I thought you were going to use the roles I suggested in:
you need to post your values in roles table e.g.
you need to post these setting from your config.php
you need to say how you set up private categories, etc.
via custom category permissions or through a plugin.
I suspect along with the porter "always screwing up permissions in conversion", you also have some settings that you just haven;t set correctly.
so post some screenshots or in info above. so we don't have to guess.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@Peregrine I took your suggestion in the last post and imported the permissions/role tables from a fresh install.
However my current values are
Settings from config:
To set permissions, I have this set up
General Forum
Private Forum
Sub Forum
Sub Forum
Sub Forum
I set custom permissions on Private Forum (which should propagate down?)
So that Only Admin/Mod/Full Member can see/post.
I still don't know what you mean "Private Forum" . Is it a plugin or did you set custom category permissions. There are numerous ways to do things, and it is still not clear what you did.
I suggest you post snapshots of your roles, categories, and permissions for each from the dashboard.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I feel like the permissions issue is no longer one. Things are set pretty well and working as I wanted them too.
The big issue is when people sign up, they are getting put into a Role that doesn't exist. Role 9, which you can see up there in Default Roles. However, if I change that role in the conf, it changes itself back.
So when people are invited, and sign up, they go into this blank state, where I must go into the dashboard and change their Role.
That is so very interesting... If you want, you can dive in that some deeper to find out 'why it changes itself back'
Can you make a new role and give it ID number 9 in phpMyAdmin? At some point you can transfer them over to your member role anyway... (with a cron script)
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Couldn't I just make the new Role ID 9 and save myself a cron script, or was I hoping for too much ease? LOL
Yes you can, go ahead
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Now, would it mess stuff up if I changed the Members Role ID to 9? Or would it just be safer to make a new one and then move everyone?
I just didn't bother. I made a new Role and changed its ID to 9, seems to be working fairly well.