Can not get Vanilla installed on WordPress

Got my fresh instal of vanilla up and running on a separate DB from my Word Press site. Some how I can not set it up I am getting the error message " could not find vanilla forum at this url"
Here is what I did:
1.Set up vanilla on a separate DB
2. Installed it ok,
3. Installed the Vanilla connect plugin and activated it
4. Hit setup and typed in the url
And im getting an error. I cant seem to find any proper walkthrough for getting this thing set up successfully. Anyone have an idea on getting the vanilla connection to work?


  • Are you looking to embed the forum? SSO? Just to co-exist?

    Judging purely from your screenshot, have you tried including http:// in that text box?

    What version of Vanilla are you running?

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  • Im trying to embed vanilla in WP. I also just read the documentation on vanilla connect. It seems it only handles the single login for users and has nothing to do with imbedding it into WP.My bad. I need imbed capabilities and single log in. I ran across a great tut on an all in one solution hereIm going to give it try tomorrow. Any advice always welcome, thanks

  • I wouldn't use that guide at all, considering it was written for Vanilla 1 (which is completely different on the backend).

    My advice is to use WP Vanilla Connect in Word Press. On the Vanilla side, I suggest jsConnect and the included <Embed> Vanilla plugins.

    Other than that, my general advice is to not use embedding at all. Not that it is unsupported, I just don't like iframes in my content.

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  • Ok thanks a lot. If it has an iframe then no, im not interested. I am glad I read this before I went ahead and hacked it. But this still leads me back to my first question. I cant link the vanilla connect plugin. And yes the url had http://

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited August 2013

    my advice is if seo matters, then, simply theme it to fit in with your site, rather then using embed.

    I only use embed with client that wants a private forum, or the don't care about seo.

    grep is your friend.

  • @jens1seo you are confusing two pluigns, vanilla connect plugin is in my experience better at handling sso than Vanilla Forums plugin this becuase the latter relies on wp hooks which are often not included to do SSO, the former provides a script which can be directly accessed, which is fail-safe.

    You only need to use vanilla connect/jsConnect if your user base is going to be on both wordpress an vanilla. If you want you users just to use forum then there is no need.

    Vanilla Forums can be used to if you want vanilla comments and widget in wordpress. Btw sometime that check doesn't work but isn't an impediment.

    grep is your friend.

  • Hey thanks for the feedback. I Really appreciate it. I think Im getting a clearer picture now. I actually will go with Vanilla jsconnect and run both sites. I was able to theme vanilla pretty damn close to my original site. But on that note, is it possible to mess with the css in order to customize margins. header size and text to tighten the look up? I think a lot of us would really like to see extensive customization options in the future. U never know..

  • SEO always matters

  • @jens1seo

    You can override any css element via your custom theme.

    Use firebug (or other element inspector) to find out which element(s) you want to change, and fire away.

    In addition, via your default.master file, views and themehooks, you can pretty much get your forum looking any way you want it to.

  • @jens1seo said:
    SEO always matters

    This is off-topic, so forgive me.

    SEO is only important in over-saturated markets. Most communities that are niche enough to survive in their own right don't need any SEO. Focus on cultivating good content and a great community. As long as your site is crawler friendly (and Vanilla is), don't worry about it.


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  • Good stuff guys thanks a ton! I still dont have this set up 100% yet sighh. God, im slow boating it. Wish me luck..

  • If your forum is 2.0.x.x I made an annotated css theme which identifies the common elements you might want to change via css in Vanilla:

    It's not meant to be used as a theme in production, but rather as a template to learn how to get started with theming in Vanilla.

    If it's 2.1, I added the info in the wiki:

  • Sorry Im back still having trouble. The problem is: I cant activate the jsvanilla connect plugin in the plugins folder on my vanilla dashboard>plugins folder its not showing up in the dashboard. I checked my directory and yes the folder is there.

    Here are the directories and plugins I set up:>jsconnect installed here>wp-vanilla-connect installed here

    Any idea why I cant activate or see the jsconnect plugin in my plugins?

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