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templates for custom category management

It would be a good idea to allow admins to save their settings for a category when they have a useful configuration for custom permissions. When you have dozens of categories it becomes really tedious setting (usually the same permissions) for each user-group. If you could save the setup (check-box values) as a template then apply them with one click to all categories it would be so much quicker.

When a category needs something more custom simply go in and change that one category and if you think you'll use that setup again save it as a custom permissions template too. These templates could be shared with other admins on the system and/or moderators at the discretion of the main admin.

The same could be said for the 'Roles & Permissions' menu - anytime your presented with more than a few check-boxes and a routine that needs to be carried out several times it becomes very, very tedious ==yaaawn==.

Come on!! this is what computers do best: repetition, so we don't have to - humans provide the real-world thinking -computer spare us from tedious, repetitive tasks.


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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP

    Welcome to the community!

    This sounds like a good idea for a plugin. My idea is to add a "copy from..., add from..., and remove from..." dropdown in the edit category page (only shown if the custom permissions box is checked, of course). Selecting an option would bring up a modal that lists all the current categories. Copying would replace all the current permissions with that of the category, adding would union them, and remove would difference them.

    Does this sound helpful?

    For a better feel for what I am talking about, check out my Bulk Edit plugin which does some of the same thing on the users page.

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    hey hgtonight - Bulk Edit looks exactly like my concept - its a little like the 'with' keyword used in PHPMyAdmin and programming languages, applying a command to multiple targets. If i had more knowledge of 'Garden' i would have a go - i'm picking up bits and pieces but i don't come from an MVC background so have to learn as i go which has served me well ... so far!!

    Let me know if you incorporate anything like this into Bulk Edit - Vanilla needs more of this 'Bulk' admin - 5 categories fine - 500+ categories aaaargggh!! my head hurts.

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    hgtonighthgtonight ∞ · New MVP
    edited August 2013

    It would be a separate plugin. I can't say I am motivated to make it right now since I wouldn't personally use it. Perhaps in the future.

    P.S. Obligatory plug for Bulk Invite, which was sponsored by another community member and offers more 'bulk' functionality.

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