
What do you need to do to enable Markdown in Vanilla Forums 2.1b2?


  • edited October 2013

    Here's a link to an answer on how to change the input format to Markdown by @peregrine:

    The link above was found by searching "markdown" via the search box above the discussions list on these forums and came up on the first page of results.

    Also, I just posted a tutorial on how to change the input format. Here's the link to the tutorial:

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

  • Well, is that for Vanilla 2.1 Beta 2?

  • edited October 2013

    It works with Vanilla 2.1b2.

    Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app

  • Nah. It'll stick to html.

  • @ilovetech said:
    Well, is that for Vanilla 2.1 Beta 2?

    create a test site and you test yourself instead of asking. then you can get your fleas in order as you said you would when you said bet your fleas in another discussion.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Well, I would, for one teensy tiny problem. Skype is blocking / using some of the ports needed to run Apache

    No Apache = No Website Base = No Website

  • @ilovetech said:
    Well, I would, for one teensy tiny problem. Skype is blocking / using some of the ports needed to run Apache

    No Apache = No Website Base = No Website

    So uninstall Skype.

    Problem solved. ;)

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    Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.

  • Well, Why do the hassle? I use a free hosting service

  • @ilovetech said:

    Well, I would, for one teensy tiny problem. Skype is blocking / using some of the ports needed to run Apache

    No Apache = No Website Base = No Website

    @hgtonight said:
    So uninstall Skype.

    Problem solved. ;)

    Well, Why do the hassle? I use a free hosting service

    because you said you want to learn vanilla. And the way to do is to install a test web server which you said you can't do because of skype.

    I don't follow your logic at all- but what ever suits you is fine with me. It's just that alot of these simple questions can be answered by reading markdown documentation. But feel free to ask any question you want.

    Trying out the options on the buttonbar, and searching on the forum, and reading documentation are also options.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Well, afterwards I did decide to change it to markdowns and thanks for the answers everyone!

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