What does {asset name="xyz"} do?
I'm trying to track down what is going on when a template file includes something like the following: " {asset name="Panel"}". I've been looking through the documentation for some reference to this, but nothing has made it clear. Can someone explain? Is this somehow calling a controller, even though it is in a template?
it is using smarty. I believe it is essentially it get the asset for the specific controller and displays.
look at library/vendors/SmartyPlugins/
and function.asset.php
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine, does the side panel have its own controller then? basically, i'm trying to hunt down how to add stuff to the side panel, which i guess needs to be done via the controller...?
I think you are confused a bit.
assets are contents panel footer header.
there is no controller per se for a particular asset.
look at the forum donate plugin. it is about the simplest plugin there is for adding a side
there are lots and lot of plugins that do this. also look at @whu606 's plugins
he has written some very nice explanatory plugins for the themes panels and assets.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Every controller has a bunch of modules; each module has a specific asset it renders to. The smarty tag
{asset name="AssetName"}
just indicates what batch of modules should be rendered. There are four common assets as @peregrine mentioned: panel, footer, header, and content. You can use any name you want. In my communities theme, I had a breadcrumbs asset that I was doing some funky stuff with. If you start reading up on modules, you notice that they all have a method calledAssetTarget()
which returns where that module should be rendered.If you are creating a module, just have the
method return 'panel' and that is where it will be rendered. You still need to attach it to a specific controller via an event hook. ($Sender->AddModule('ModuleName');
works in general).Search first
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