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Enable button url bug?

PolyQuadPolyQuad New
edited January 2014 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

When i install this plugin and activiate it, then click on the enable button it takes me to this url with a page not found

I then edit that url and remove aelia so it reads

I hit that url and it enables the button. Does your plugin have a url bug in the enable button?

Previous discussion was here :


  • It may very well be that some links are broken. The plugin worked perfectly as "SteamSignIn", but such plugin ID was already taken, so I had to rename some elements and I might have forgotten some links.

  • Ok thanks, i did rename and it seems to activate fine now, also i think my 403 errors are possibly due to mod_security rules. I have a ticket submitted to them to see if they can whitelist steam.

  • For me the settings button didn't work, so I changed the URL it took me too from /dashboard/plugin/aeliasteamsignin to /dashboard/plugin/steamsignin. I had to change it for every page after that to get it to work too (a total of 3 times), but it worked.

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