Fatal Error: access denied for user ... Site is down

My Dev wanted to copy the DB and create a test site. After he did I received an email from a user my forum was down. See image below. Does anyone know how I can fix this. Sites been down 24 hours and I cant reach my Dev.
I do not have a backup unfortunately. I also checked the config.php file to be sure the debug script was not causing this. Its not its set to "false".
Best Answer
x00 MVP
Oh dear me. Well it self explanatory. That mySQL user, doesn't have permission to access that database. However it is unlikely the forum2move, is the right user. it seem to me that the dev change it.
Dev should have been a lot more careful, not good. If I'm making a test site, I alway backup, avoid making any changes to the production site, if i need to do it often I automate the process. I only clone the site if necessary.
grep is your friend.
Oh dear me. Well it self explanatory. That mySQL user, doesn't have permission to access that database. However it is unlikely the forum2move, is the right user. it seem to me that the dev change it.
Dev should have been a lot more careful, not good. If I'm making a test site, I alway backup, avoid making any changes to the production site, if i need to do it often I automate the process. I only clone the site if necessary.
grep is your friend.
Try to put your site in Maintenance mode, you have to download the Maintenance plugin if possible and then turn on Maintenance mode. Now you need to go to the config file and set that other MySQL user to connect to your DB and not 'forum2move'.
Hopefully you have that information otherwise try to log in to your hosts cPanel to at least see the correct MySQL user that has rights for your DataBase.
Let's see if your database is still there if you log into cPanel and phpMyAdmin. Let's call in the help of @peregrine @hgtonight @vrijvlinder and @whu606 and see how they can help you after you changed that information in your config.php file.
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Thanks for the reply, I followed your advice and Im live again... also many thanks for the tip on the maintenance plugin I did not know one exist for WP. Drupal has this built in but not WP. You guys rock!
Please make a backup for your own archive. A backup of your PHP site and a backup of your MySQL database. In that case you can always restore the situation you have at the moment.
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Got a plugin for that? WP has one.
it is a bad idea to give a web application, that much control over your file system in the first place. Convenience isn't always a good thing.
A simple back up could be compying the folders. IF you have ssh you can use rsync, and mysqdump. Mysqldump is what I would recommend for any database backup, if you don't have access to it directly such as checp host, you probably have phpMyAdmin which will access it indirectly.
grep is your friend.
If you have a virtual or dedicated server, then a direct back up via the mysqldump command is simply one of the best things to do because you can make sure that all database tables get backed up completely.
A fantastic way to back up a website's files and all of its data is to set up periodic commands that save backups to a separate hard drive. You can also add another hard drive and set up a RAID 1 system, which will mirror all backups saved in one hard drive to another hard drive. RAID 1 systems provide another source for backups in case a hard drive fails.
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