Disable mobile theme

How do you disable the mobile theme in vanilla? I want to just use @media rules to define my layout for small screen sizes in my custom theme.

(Also I tried searching but I just get a blank page on here.)



  • Look at /conf/config-defaults.php. There you find those two entries:

    $Configuration['Garden']['Theme']                               = 'default';
    $Configuration['Garden']['MobileTheme']                         = 'mobile';

    So the theme used for mobile is done with a config setting. You just have to add $Configuration['Garden']['MobileTheme'] = 'YourPreferredTheme'; to /conf/config.php and that's it! :)

    Dont be lazy and simply change config-defaults.php for that might be overwritten on a Vanilla update. config.php will not.

    Instead of using the built in search, you can use google: https://www.google.de/#q=site:vanillaforums.org+replace+mobile+theme

  • edited March 2014

    I get a bonk error now. I tried deleting all my *.ini files from cache and I also tried adding $Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE; to see the error but it still gives me the bonk error.

  • chanhchanh ✭✭

    If you get a bonk after you did something try to undo that to see if it will fix it and make the attempt again.

  • Is there a way to rebuild my config.php script?

  • Got it! It was a problem in $Configuration['Database']['Host']. I hadn't updated my script in a while and I have to use the remote server name from my local site to access my database.

    None of Vanilla's error reporting seems to work with this issue. I was able to discover it by looking at the config-defaults.php file.

  • @R_J That worked! Thanks!

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