Problem with links in comments section (version 2.1)

does anyone got a problem with links in comments section? With latest forum versions, links were created automatically after you put links with http:// but since version 2.1 does not. I was looking for any option but i didn`t found nothing. When i try to put links with http:// or mention about users in comments with @username it is not possible as was in older versions. Links and users that we mention are as text, not links at all. Do you know guys what can be the problem?
Thanks in case for reply!
In conf/config.php check which editor is set there. In phpMyAdmin in the discussions and comments tables check what is set at 'Format' column
There was an error rendering this rich post.
At first thanks for reply @UnderDog
I have checked tables in phpMyAdmin and in both, format is "Html". But in conf/config.php file i got following plugins activated:
// EnabledPlugins
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['HtmLawed'] = 'HtmLawed';
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Emotify'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['AllViewed'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Gravatar'] = TRUE;
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['cleditor'] = TRUE;
So i use standard WYSIWYG (CLEditor) Version 1.3.1 By Mirabilia Media
I`m not sure if i was clear but i realized one thing. When i mention on forum about someone, like @username i see notification that someone mentioned about me but this label is as regular text, not link. But when i try to put link, like: it also shows as regular text and is not link. In previous version of vanilla, links were added automatically. So when i mentioned about someone or i added link, they appeared as a link, not text.
One more thing! I don`t know if this is important but this happen only in comments. When i create topic, then all is fine. Mentioning about someone and links shows as link so it is fine. But in comments they not.
Hope someone will be able to help me with this problem. Thanks!
does it work properly using buttonbar instead of cleditor. I don't use cleditor because it is deprecated and will not be supported in future versions of vanilla, because it has too many problems.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine I have already tested "button bar" instead of "claeditor" and the same thing happen. I do not see any links in comments sections. Even if i turned them both, do not see links and i have no idea what happen. Settings are exactly the same as in previous version and in older everything works, but with 2.1 does not.
check your console with firebug or webdeveloper in your browser to see if you have any js errors.
also try disabling all your plugins via the dashboard and use the default theme and see if you have the same issue.
once you do that. add a new comment and see if it works.
also what inputformatter are you using. BBCode, Html , Markdown. etc.
and is your forum embedded.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
this what I use as a guide.
solves or isolates the problem 99% of the time.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Mention formatting (@warzyd is called a mention) can be overridden by plugins. Disable all plugins (temporarily) to determine if one of your plugins is overriding the mention formatting.
Auto linking is the same way.
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Javascript console was the first thing i have checked
No errors of course.
I have already turned off all plugins and switched to default and theme and this was not helpful because nothing changed.
Where i can check inputformatter? And what you mean forum embedded? I have plain installation only without any special things.
So javascript is responsible for text recognition and if see link (http://) or mentioning (@) is making them as links?
@hgtonight I did what you wrote exactly and nothing changed.
if ALL of your plugins are disabled
(leave HtmlLawed alone and don't disable it).
and you are using a clean default theme untouched.
and problem is not fixed.
I would do this.
especially downloading core files again and re-installing the files from downloaded zip (no need to re-insall the database). just re-copy the unzipped core files over your forum directory.
inputformatter is in your config.php
$Configuration['Garden']['InputFormatter'] = 'Html';
if it isn't there you can add it (it won't hurt).
you can set it to BBCode (ill-advised), MarkDown or Html (other options are available as well burt not recommended)
Markdown or Html are the best to use.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine I found the problem
It is related with one small modification but have no idea what can be wrong. I don't know if i am tired but i do not see anything wrong. Will be great if you can look at
In older version i have used $Object->FormatBody which is not working in new version. In new i have used $Object->Body instead and that`s the problem. Do you have idea what i should use instead of $Object->FormatBody in new vanilla version?
Nevermind! Already fixed
I should to use echo instead of object. So the right function is
Thanks for everything!
@warzyd There is an event hook right there for you to make use of. So let's do it.
Step 1 make a plugin.
called 'SignInForAnswer'Now you have a functioning plugin that doesn't modify the core!
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Thanks @hgtonight I will try your solution