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Time of user activity suddenly leapt forward one hour in dashboard (Version 2.1)

While the time of posting on my forum itself is still correctly displaying the right local time, the times of user activity on the dashboard has gone forward one hour of local time (UK time). Anyone know what the reason might be for this and how to fix it? It's version 2.1, installed a few days ago. The fault also seems to be a little haphazard or intermittent. Someone else suddenly logging in with the correct time while those with the wrong time are left unchanged.


  • the time in the dashboard is the last time the user was active. it may not represent the actual time.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • The dashboard was showing times an hour in advance of actual time, so a time that had not yet happened, in 'Recently Active Users' and 'Last Visit'. However, it has gone back to normal now, so in the category of inexplicable glitches at present.

  • Anything is possible. Considering that one of the topics of my forum is that time doesn't actually exist I think the software is having a joke.

  • And how can you change it if you happen to click the wrong response?

  • Yes, to me a true answer in any case depends on the context that was further developed after the initial question. So it's a bit of a silly idea. Surely anyone can see a bit blue tick in the margin when they scroll down a bit.

  • Or if the background of the answer were to be highlighted instead of moving it that would be excellent.

  • And how can you change it if you happen to click the wrong response?

    I am not sure, I don't like using the questions because it means never ending notifications any time someone answers . You have to almost mark them all as answered to stop the madness...

  • problem with clicking answered yes - answers moves totally out of context.

    problem with answering no, responder who answered correctly, doesn't get points credit.

    but I pmmed you a solution for future discussion questions.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @sudden156 said:
    And how can you change it if you happen to click the wrong response?

    IIRC, you need permission to undo it.

    Consider it done!

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  • Thanks!

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