0.9.3 install problems



  • Yeah, I also noticed that trying to login proved fairly futile. Logged in, and seemed to face the same issue you were experiencing, Brad. At this point, I would have hosed it, and started over just to see what is acting up where. Short of throwing us your mysql login and password, do me a favor and post the remaining contents of your appg/settings.php file for me so I can do a quick comparison to see what's going on. No doubt mini just used a clever shortcut to access and create a post once he had his cookie.
  • I wish i knew how to do that actually lech...but it logs in fine here. Look i even approved swarsden for membership and made him a master administrator. Then i enabled the login form in the add comment section - maybe you guys could try using that one and see if it makes any difference? What browser and OS are you both on?
  • Ok, well I just found this somewhat odd. Mini, I added my thoughts, however I think I did find some weird inconsistancy while logging in there. Using the latest FF for the record, Tried under Opera 8.51 & IE 6 to see if the problem was with FF or not. Here's the issue: (mini, try this if you haven't) Logging in WITHOUT checking "remember me" causes the "not signed in" across all browsers here (so far, newlifecity appears to be the only one affected). Logging in, while checking off "remember me" retains the cookie info and you can clearly see you're logged in. The only reason Brad and I were probably seeing this is because we didn't hit the "remember me" box. My guess this is surely something to do with the cookie domain or the way your version of php is reading or writing said cookie. Otherwise it's just some weird fluke. so, short of the mysql login and password, Brad, chuck up that settings.php or link us to a copy of it on the server so we can see what's going on there.
  • Did my last post sound arrogant or anything? Sorry if it did. My morning manner needs refining a little.

    And yeah, not using remember me causes instant signout, wheras remember me seems to have the effects i'd expect from it not remembering me (it leaves me signed in for a period of time, not forever). I'm so used to ticking remember me i didnt even think not to.

    But yeah, certainly looks like a server issue.
  • Lech, Mini, Thanks a lot guys, your help so far has been awesome.. I too was able to login succesfully when I checked the remember me button. I could have sworn that I tried that before... but who knows really. Anyways, here is a copy of my appg/settings.php minus the username password for the database. http://www.newlifecity.org/lifeinthecity/coffeeShop/settings.txt one thing I thought was that the $Configuration['AUTHENTICATION_MODULE'] = 'People/People.Class.Authenticator.php'; maybe wasnt being found because it wasnt the full path, so I plugged the full path in, but it didnt seem to fix it. Anyways, Thanks again guys, Brad
  • one other thing I noticed was that when I clicked certain links in the settings area... setting up extensions, changing roles etc. it kills my authentication and boots me back to the login page. probably just another side effect of the problem with loggin in without checking remember me.
  • Wait, you can actually login atall without clicking remember me? I get nowhere unless i use remember.
    All those settings look fine. Do you use sessions/cookies anywhere else on your site that you could confirm are working correctly?
  • no, I cannot login unless I check the remember me box, sorry typo. I use cookies in 2 other applications on my site, a calendar and a password protected form page. They work fine, would it help for you guys to view my phpinfo? www.newlifecity.org/phpinfo.php Thanks, Brad
  • Hmm. Again nothing looks unreasonable from my untrained glance through that. One thing which does strike me as curious was that all paths there are /home/users/web/b1906/moo.newlif1/ as opposed to the /hermes/web04/b1906/moo.newlif1/ which was showing up in logs, but i really doubt thats the issue at hand since the site is otherwise functioning fine.

    When you say you use cookies in 2 other apps, do they also use sessions as an alternative or solely rely on cookies?
  • edited February 2006
    Here are the error logs from when I log in without checking the box http://www.newlifecity.org/lifeinthecity/coffeeShop/errorLogs2.txt looks like something odd with the session ID. Whats interesting is that it kicks out these errors even when you login with the remember me box checked... so something is definately wrong with the session and the remember me thing just forces it to see the cookie or something -Brad P.S. I believe the calendar uses sessions as well as cookies, the other just usses cookies
  • Hmmm. Seems your people paths are wrong.
    Try changing your app settings as such (think theyre right):
    $Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'] = '/hermes/web04/b1906/moo.newlif1/lifeinthecity/coffeeShop/';
    $Configuration['DATABASE_PATH'] = '/conf/database.php';
    $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/library/';
    $Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH'] = '/extensions/';
    $Configuration['LANGUAGES_PATH'] = '/languages/';
    $Configuration['THEME_PATH'] = '/themes/vanilla/';

    See if it helps atall.
  • settings changes didnt fix it, could this be something where my php settings are pointing to a directory for sessions session.save_path /var/php_sessions /var/php_sessions and for some reason /var/php_sessions doesnt exist? something tells me that I had this problem innitially with the calendar program... I dont know for sure though... I did have a problem with it keeping logged in in the beginning though... hum, do you think this is a possibility?? Ill look into this
  • OK, I tracked down the talk I had with support about session variables and here is what they had to say: We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. If you would like to run PHP sessions, please be sure to include the following code at the top of any PHP script that uses sessions: session_save_path("/home/users/web/<bucket>/<your_homedir>/cgi-bin/tmp"); session_start(); You should also make sure that the directory /cgi-bin/tmp actually exists. You can create any directory and use that instead of /cgi-bin/tmp as long as the absolute path is correct. If you have any further questions, you can e-mail us seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Sincerely, Stan Hill FatCow Moo Crew Now I remember, I have to include this line on the top of all scripts that want to create session variables.... which of the vanilla pages do I have to do this?? just index? -Brad
  • SUCCESS!!! ok so I had to include the seesion_save_path and session start code at the top of the People.Class.Authenticator.php file. then when it writes a session it writes to the correct directory and holds the session and stays logged in. I'm guessing this is another crazy setup that this hosting service has setup to cause me problems :-) ok so now that im all setup I can start beta testing this badboy and see what else I can break etc. :) thanks again a bunch guys, I really appreciate it -Brad
  • Ok, wow, that's somewhat strange that you had to jump all those hoops. Good thing you figured it out and mailed support with the inquiry. Lets hope this is limited only to your hosting deal, Brad. I'll be bookmarking this thread in case a similar issue like this crops up. Hopefully mark can find a way to detect this kind of silliness in the future.
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