I cannot get this plugin to work (no additional buttons or abilities)*

I need a hand installing this and getting it to work.
I tried uploading it to the plugins folder and enabling it and it just doesn't work.
Anyone have any suggestions or a possible replacement for this and I can't find many
Do you get any error messages?
If not, you can enable debug mode by adding
$Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE;
to your config.You could also try installing the newer version of the Quotes plugin from github:
edit: just noticed, vrijvlinder uploaded the new version here:
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When you ask a question write a title/subject that would be easily found 'help please' is not appropriate becuase it will quickly get lost. Nobody is going to search for 'help please' posts. The benefit of forum is not only should the post help you but it shoudl hopeful help others.
"it just doesn't work" isn't specific enough either. You need to provide more detail that that.
grep is your friend.
Okay, I downloaded the Plugin, installed it, and yes I get no additional buttons or abilities when attempting to quote a post.
I'm not someone who knows Php Coding so putting things in laments terms is a must, I know my wy around html and css for the most part and got eveything installed, but this one just wont' budge. I have, tried 3 different quote plugins and none are working, (I tried them one at a time and did enable them and disable them)
There isn't any php to know to get plugins working.
In your conf/config.php file, under enabled plugins you should see this:
$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Quotes'] = TRUE;
Can you confirm you have that?
I have Quotes 1.61 working fine on a 2.1 install, so there is nothing wrong with the plugin per se.
Quotes and Spoilers are now working happiliy together... and i have no idea why,,, i didn't do anything