Why are my topics listed backwards? (oldest to newest?)
my topics are all showing up backwards... the newest reply is always at the bottom of the page instead of the top, and i don't see an option to switch it.
how can i change it?
This discussion has been closed.
greatest(tuwf.DateLastActive, t.DateLastActive)
The simple solution is to remove the tuwf.DateLastActive sort, but that will make whispers *not* raise a discussion to the top of the list.
Open up extensions/Whispers.php. Change lines 429-433 from this:
if ($this->Context->Session->User->ShowAllWhispers) { $s->AddOrderBy("greatest(t.DateLastWhisper, t.DateLastActive)", "", "desc"); } else { $s->AddOrderBy("greatest(tuwf.DateLastActive, t.DateLastActive)", "", "desc"); }
to this
$s->AddOrderBy('t.DateLastActive', '', 'desc');
Let's just see if that does the trick.