Vanilla Awards for best Community developed plugin, theme and application.

peregrineperegrine MVP
edited November 2014 in Feedback

We should have a Vanilla Awards for best Community developed plugin, theme and application.

perhaps Awards for the first Annual Vanilla add-ons - 2014.

maybe if there are enough votes and people aren't apathetic. we could have a little badge on the plugin description or a meta tag with Award.

or it could include staff created ones also.

  1. Best plugin ever.
  2. Best theme ever
  3. Best application ever.
  4. Best plugin created in 2014
  5. Best application created in 2014
  6. Best theme created in 2014
  7. Best Premium Theme.

any thoughts? Any Votes. Anyone want to propose some nominations.

I'm sure vrjvlinder could muster up some badges, but the end of the 2014.

let's have a good turn out for a change. Anyone can vote provided they tried the plugin theme or application they are voting for.

we could even have more categories create your own. lets have some fund and feedback.

e.g. - best plugin for maintenance of forum, best plugin for user interaction, best whatever...

I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.



  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited November 2014

    my vote:

    Best plugin created in 2014 - CSSedit

    how about you guys? won't you please vote. It will give developers an attaboy, and it will show others what add-ons like to use.

    vote early, vote often - list as many as you want.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • My votes:

    Best plugin ever
    Would be a tie between Mentions+ and Consolidate.
    They both deliver perfect solutions for shortcomings of the core and when setting up a Vanillaforum, these would be the first I'd install.

    Best plugin created in 2014
    Discussion Refresh - Basically for the same reason stated above. I sometimes wish it was installed here.

    Best application ever
    I guess voting for either Dashboard, Conversations or Vanilla, would be a little nonsensical.
    So my vote goes to YAGA, not only for the functionality, but also because the code quality makes it a great learning resource for plugins & applications.

    Best application created in 2014
    There haven't been any new applications in 2014 afaik. Articles looks great, but hasn't been released yet.

    Extra category for best maintenance plugin goes to ActivityPurge which wasn't released this year, but saved me a lot of time before I switched hosts and had the ability to create a cronjob for activity purging.

    I haven't been trying out enough of the available themes to vote for one, but Bootstrap would win the "best ever" category of themes as it's actually serveral great themes in one.

  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    edited November 2014
    • Best plugin ever - SphinxSearch is so awesome. I use it on every site that has the traffic to justify it. Seriously awesome.
    • Best theme ever - Air Nice an clean.
    • Best application ever - YAGA (I know, shouldn't vote for my own stuffs, but I really like it ;))
    • Best plugin created in 2014 - Discussion Refresh is probably my favorite because people keep asking for it. Now we have it :)
    • Best application created in 2014 - Articles
    • Best theme created in 2014 - Nexus
    • Best Premium Theme - MultiColor

    I want to nominate @Bleistivt‌ as best new dev, but it looks like he joined in 2013, so nvm on that. ;)

    EDIT - Oh, and the plugin I had the most fun writing this year is definitely Admin Mode. Not sure if this really fits anywhere.

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  • Really hard question.

    Best premium theme by now: Flat Responsive

    Best application ever: YAGA will keep that position for a very, very long time, I think.
    Best plugin ever: Eventi though it would need some work.
    Best theme ever: I change my mind each day on that...

    Best application 2014: Articles
    Best plugin 2014: Birthday Module Why haven't that been made before?
    Best theme 2014: Bootstrap - although I'm tired of the Bootstrap look, the way this theme has been implemented is breath taking!
    Best theme 2014: Pure makes a great base for your own theme.

    Yes, I know that I've voted 2x for best theme 2014, but I felt that both themes had to be mentioned here.

  • @hgtonight said:

    I want to nominate Bleistivt‌ as best new dev, but it looks like he joined in 2013, so nvm on that. ;)

    I also thought on that! Based on his productivity he deserves that nomination, nevertheless. Writing plugins and themes, answering questions in the forum, writing issues and sending PRs at GitHub - all that without a nomination? Nope ;)

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited November 2014

    @R_J said:
    I also thought on that! Based on his productivity he deserves that nomination, nevertheless. Writing plugins and themes, answering questions in the forum, writing issues and sending PRs at GitHub - all that without a nomination? Nope ;)

    I agree as well. you heard it here first :)

    How does it feel to pass the torch @r_j

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • It feels great! That torch should be passed more often but there are too few contenders... :(

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