Error accessing discutions
I have this strange error and I need an advice, if possible. My Vanilla version is 2.1.6
So...I have 2 discussions in my forum that have a lot of comments. As ADMIN, I can access these two discussions. As a USER (that has MEMBER rights), I cannot view these two discussions and I get this error: "Something has gone wrong. We've run into a problem and are unable to handle this request right now.Please check back in a little while." As a MEMBER I can view any other short discussion except those two that have a lot of replies.
Any idea why is this happening?
Any advice?
It seems that the problem is bigger.
I entered the MEMBER account as I made and I wrote a reply to a discussion.
When I tried to access that discussion as ADMIN, I got the same error: "Something has gone wrong...."
Is there a right conflicts? I dind't change anything. I didn't get this error in my previous Vanilla version.
As a simple USER (not registered), I can access any discussion. Only the ADMIN and MEMBER have the problem
How can we know if you don't show us the full error message?
Enable debug mode and post what you get
$Configuration['Debug'] = TRUE;
My themes: pure | minusbaseline - My plugins: CSSedit | HTMLedit | InfiniteScroll | BirthdayModule | [all] - PM me about customizations - Plugins, Themes and Graphics for Vanillaforums OS
you should know by now what you should do when you see...."something has gone wrong...."
Question 15 in the FAQ. you should know this already.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yes, sorry. It's my bad for not giving all the info.
So, after DEBUG enabling, I receive this message:
DiscussionController->Options not found.
The error occurred on or near: /applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php
40: Deprecated('DiscussionController->CommentData', "DiscussionController->Data('Comments')");
41: return $this->Data('Comments');
42: break;
43: }
44: throw new Exception("DiscussionController->$Name not found.", 400);
45: }
47: /**
48: * Default single discussion display.
And this:
[/plugins/SendPM/class.sendpm.plugin.php:39] DiscussionController->__get();
[/library/core/class.pluginmanager.php:705] SendPMPlugin->DiscussionController_CommentOptions_Handler();
[/library/core/class.pluginmanager.php:638] Gdn_PluginManager->CallEventHandler();
[/library/core/class.pluggable.php:144] Gdn_PluginManager->CallEventHandlers();
[/applications/vanilla/views/discussion/helper_functions.php:334] Gdn_Pluggable->FireEvent();
[/applications/vanilla/views/discussion/helper_functions.php:351] PHP::GetCommentOptions();
[/applications/vanilla/views/discussion/helper_functions.php:88] PHP::WriteCommentOptions();
[/applications/vanilla/views/discussion/comments.php:19] PHP::WriteComment();
[/applications/vanilla/views/discussion/index.php:52] PHP::include();
[/library/core/class.controller.php:779] PHP::include();
[/library/core/class.controller.php:1245] Gdn_Controller->FetchView();
[/library/core/class.pluggable.php:210] Gdn_Controller->xRender();
[/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php:234] Gdn_Pluggable->__call();
[/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php:234] DiscussionController->Render();
[/applications/vanilla/controllers/class.discussioncontroller.php:234] DiscussionController->Index();
[/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:350] PHP::call_user_func_array();
[/index.php:46] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();
Does it help now? For me, this is a language that I don't understand, so if possible, please help. Any suggestion would help.
i found a plugin that generated the error. It was SendPM plugin.
The problem is that after I disabled the plugin, another error appeared. The CLE Editor dissappeared. I can post but now I cannot choose the font (the cle editor menu)
It's working now. I don't know how, but it appeared. Thanks
so apparently you found a plugin that needs to be upgraded for vanilla 2.1 - SendPM
you can add the name of the plugin that is incompatible with 2.1 to the list in this discussion link here:
so others can see the list of plugins that work and don't work in 2.1.x
AND ALSO add your error message
here: -
and then choose ask a question:
so the author can see the problem easier.
It's extra work by you - but it helps get the problem solved and helps others if posted that way tied to the plugin discussions and in the list as well, as indicated above.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Done. Thanks
excellent followup.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.