Can't Stop Spammers



  • @peregrine said:
    are you using confirm email. if so don't if you have confirm e-mail set up they don't need to be approved. hence your issue.

    and you probably want to upgrade to if you can't seem to get 2.1.6 just yet.

    the problem is, once you experience what you have it is only going to get worse, until you implement some measures as suggested.

    once you have 2.1.6 installed and set the appropriate measures suggested your problems may be mitigated. until then you will probably have issues that you need to live with.

    also see if you have any users that are not attached to roles.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • I have just downloaded and installed Noroleassigned while doing it had 4 more join over 150 today. I set anti-spam on my hosting and ban some i.p's but they are getting around everything. I try an undate to 2.0.18. 14 now.

  • @DenisS said:
    I have just downloaded and installed Noroleassigned while doing it had 4 more join over 150 today. I set anti-spam on my hosting and ban some i.p's but they are getting around everything. I try an undate to 2.0.18. 14 now.

    Try an update to 2.1

  • Anonymoose I am at the moment.

    @DenisS said:
    Bleistivt: My forums are all expats I put 7 regional sites up to start with 18 months ago so to cover the area of isaan which is vast and then as the membership grew, I redirected to 2 forums my first year saw 700+ members, only about 20 active the rest browsers. 250,000+ pages views. But I install 2.1.6 to change directions to a New news forum all sites funnelling into it then slowly close the forums, as bored with all the back biting. ;-) That's why it's taking so long to set up my 2.1.6 ver.
    I have a property website "osclass" , which is very user friendly and cross promote.
    I have also had problems with spammers on that, it seems to go in waves on both sites. I think they must go around the globe targeting countries.

  • I done the update to it's made no difference to spammers, i've put 20 ip's on ban today but still battling over 100 spam members today today.

  • let me got this straight you set approval registration, and they are bypassing this?

    grep is your friend.

  • What is the aproximate rate that are joining e.g the time frame between each one?

    grep is your friend.

  • MVP
    edited January 2015

    Never mind I can see.

    PS disable bot stop.

    grep is your friend.

  • ✭✭
    edited January 2015

    I have set Approval:
    seconds between, sometimes minutes problem its mostly 3am thai time but today it's been every hour or so.
    settings are>>>>>
    Method Description
    Approval New users are reviewed and approved by an administrator (that's you!).

    Require users to confirm their email addresses (recommended) TURNED OFF

    ." Applicant " Users will be assigned to this role until they've confirmed their email addresses. = Gmo Cloud America inc: Some Ip's are now appearing "Stop Spam" so I have set my "Stop Spam" setting to 2 all the way through.

  • MVP
    edited January 2015

    can you disable botstop thank you.

    grep is your friend.

  • ok done that disabled bot stop.

  • Bed Time see what awaits in the morning.

  • ✭✭
    edited January 2015

    admin 10:49PM

    anabelchattencnr377 10:43PM <<<<<< caught this one online now.

    News 10:49PM
    They don't appear on activity
    Another 3 as we speak:
    anabelchattencnr377 Confirm Email 10:43PM 10:43PM EditDelete

    ewabehenthq302 Member 10:15PM 10:48PM EditDelete

    alfrediamouauwi198 Member 10:03PM 10:03PM

  • what sort of spam have you got since approval has been on?

    grep is your friend.

  • ✭✭
    edited January 2015

    some of it quite informative with lots of text 2000+ with embedded links. it's about all sort of topic's.

    • I've just banned over 500 ip's haven't had a spam member for 1/2 hour now.
  • knacked now, goodnight, thanks for the input.

  • if you have confirm e-mail turned off - you shouldn't see this

    anabelchattencnr377 Confirm Email 10:43PM 10:43PM EditDelete

    best to post your config.php minus salts passwords, etc.

    also post your permissions for guest role and applicant role.

    if you want to delete all users in the confirm e-mail status (which i assume you want to do.

    use cleanser.

    anyone who still has confirm e-mail role, will still be able to self register, without your approval.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • ✭✭
    edited January 2015

    @DenisS said:
    some of it quite informative with lots of text 2000+ with embedded links. it's about all sort of topic's.

    Any tips on antler enlargement?

    @DenisS said:

    • I've just banned over 500 ip's haven't had a spam member for 1/2 hour now.

    Banning IPs is useless and a waste of time, as spammers use other people's IPs.

  • ✭✭
    edited January 2015

    Anonymoose: says "Any tips on antler enlargement?" What does this mean?
    Yes the ip's are changing all the time had 57 "members" join and 3 spam posts before 10am today looks like another battle. What I don't understand how they are getting passed all the Vanilla and Blue host security, to join and post. Am I the only one who has or who has had this problem? This was one link at the bottom of the 2000 word post, which lead to> the email address is

  • MVP
    edited January 2015

    I think you are not properly configuring permissions or roles, if you are still getting new people becoming members without your approval. Also you may have lots of unconfirmed e-mail role who can still bypass approval.

    At worst you should get lots of applicants, but no one should be able to become a member or be able to post without your approval, if you have permissions and roles set properly and the userrole table in proper order and don't allow confirm e-mail

    I suggest re-reading some of the comments carefully. then re-read them a few more times. then have lunch and re-read them again. then repeat.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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