Applicant spam filtering -- by keyword match?

Hi I'm getting Spam applicants. I have registration method set to Approve, and confirmation email is enabled. So they're not creating accounts. The noise is just drowning out the real applicants.
I see there is a cleanser plugin for cleaning up the database.
Is there a way to set up a filter on Applicants, based on matching criteria on the registration fields, which would reject them at the very outset -- not even create the application?
All of my spam applicants are supplying the same "reason" for why they want to apply, so a pattern match on the reason would detect them.
Don't know that I can help you with the filtering, but I'm using the Registration Question plugin in 2.1.8 to create my own sort of Captcha (something like "What is Red + Yellow?" with the answer being "Orange"). Seems to work well so far.
First things first, you should really upgrade to 2.1.
I believe there is/was a plugin called RegistrationRestriction that lets you restrict registrations based on a phrase. I can't seem to find it right now.
I personally find Akismet and StopForumSpam are great at detecting spam and leaving the ham.
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I'm on Vanilla 2.1, sorry I picked the wrong category.
@hgtonight Here this is the one: RegistrationRestrictLogger.
Thanks for your help.