Is there a doc for what Markdown, HTML, etc. is allowed
Best Answer
Adrian MVP
@JasonBarnabe I don't think there is a doc, but you can see here for the links in the Button Bar code:
I should add, @linc, might know somewhere a list of all accepted markdown codes, but the best bet would be here I guess:
Hope that helps
It depends on how you have HTMLawed configured.
There should be a link just below your editor box that links to a cheat sheet for your input formatter.
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There is no link present in my installs or in master. On this forum, there's a link to the Wikipedia article on Markdown, which is somewhat helpful, but what I'm looking for is a complete reference of the allowed Markdown (and other formats) for Vanilla.
@JasonBarnabe I don't think there is a doc, but you can see here for the links in the Button Bar code:
I should add, @linc, might know somewhere a list of all accepted markdown codes, but the best bet would be here I guess:
Hope that helps