Inline Images in Vanilla 2?
I use the plugin "Inline Images 1.3" for Vanilla 1. How will it be possible to have an identical function included in Vanilla 2?
Is there a theme for Vanilla 2 that resembles Digg for Vanilla 1?
Yesterday, I asked a question about compatibility problems with PHP 5.6 in the "Vanilla 1 Help" forum. A reply to that would be most appreciated!
I don't think many regular users on here have any experience of Vanilla 1, and I should think even less have a working setup.
You might have more luck if you explain what Inline Images does, and give an example site using Digg.
I think for the php question, you may have to hope a member of Vanilla staff sees it and has the time and inclination to answer.
Our 5 year old - and stlll functioning! - Vanilla 1 forum can be found here: (chose TRÅDE in the menu). The design is based on a theme called Digg.
An inline image is like this:
... a photo shown in the text - which apparently also work here in Vanilla 2 :-)
Reading through Inline Images and Attachments seems like that functionality is now provided via FileUpload or ImageUpload.
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I am not sure about the 5.6 PHP question (that's a question for the Dev , but I am not sure anyone would know without testing).
Nevertheless, if you are upgrading your PHP, I would consider a move to the 2.1 branch as something you would want to do, if you can. There are lots of great plugins, and security patches that have not been added to Vanilla 1.
There are also most of the same functionality too, for example such as Nuggets in Vanilla 1, are now Pockets.
An update version of the Digg theme, should not be too hard.
I have experience of vanilla 1, but I forgotten it all. Yes chances there is a plugin for it.
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