YAGA Reaction icons not showing

Just installed YAGA and activated thru dashboard. Seems working but I can't seem to find reaction buttons.
Where are these reaction buttons supposed to appear?
Thanks in advance for help.

Best Answers

  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    Answer ✓

    Here are the permissions and what they mean:

    'Yaga.Reactions.Add'    => 0, // Can a user click on reactions?
    'Yaga.Reactions.Manage' => 0, // Can a user add/edit/delete actions?
    'Yaga.Reactions.View'   => 1, // Can a user see the reaction record?
    'Yaga.Reactions.Edit'   => 0, // Can a user remove other's reactions?
    'Yaga.Badges.Add'       => 0, // Can a user give out badges?
    'Yaga.Badges.Manage'    => 0, // Can a user adit/edit/delete badges from the system?
    'Yaga.Badges.View'      => 1, // Can a user view badges?
    'Yaga.Ranks.Add'        => 0, // Can a user assign ranks manually?
    'Yaga.Ranks.Manage'     => 0, // Can a user adit/edit/delete ranks from the system?

    Search first

    Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.

    Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.


  • I did define reactions but still not showing reactions buttons.
    Is it supposed to be hidden or they should react and show to mouse hover like the ones in this discussion?

  • In discussion, I move my mouse over to any comment but tiny reaction buttons are not showing for me to click.

  • Awesome it works great. Thanks.
    BTW Just realized you are the very author. LOL

  • I am with administrator role and can view reaction icons on a member's comment.
    But a member cannot see reaction buttons on my comment.
    Should a participant with just member level be given additional permissions besides view?

  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    Answer ✓

    Here are the permissions and what they mean:

    'Yaga.Reactions.Add'    => 0, // Can a user click on reactions?
    'Yaga.Reactions.Manage' => 0, // Can a user add/edit/delete actions?
    'Yaga.Reactions.View'   => 1, // Can a user see the reaction record?
    'Yaga.Reactions.Edit'   => 0, // Can a user remove other's reactions?
    'Yaga.Badges.Add'       => 0, // Can a user give out badges?
    'Yaga.Badges.Manage'    => 0, // Can a user adit/edit/delete badges from the system?
    'Yaga.Badges.View'      => 1, // Can a user view badges?
    'Yaga.Ranks.Add'        => 0, // Can a user assign ranks manually?
    'Yaga.Ranks.Manage'     => 0, // Can a user adit/edit/delete ranks from the system?

    Search first

    Check out the Documentation! We are always looking for new content and pull requests.

    Click on insightful, awesome, and funny reactions to thank community volunteers for their valuable posts.

  • Added add permission to member level participant and its good to go.
    Thanks a ton for your support.

  • I don't know if you allow it but I was wondering if there is an option to remove Yaga out of Yaga.Best.Content and replace Yaga and content with different words?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Which locale.php should i adjust?
    Change locale.php in /vanilla/conf/ or /application/yaga/locale/en-CA/ ?

  • I first tried with locale.php in /vanilla/conf/ and it worked out nice.
    // Best Content
    $Definition['Yaga.BestContent'] = 'Blah';
    $Definition['Yaga.BestContent.Action'] = 'Best %s Content';
    $Definition['Yaga.BestContent.AllTime'] = 'Blah';
    $Definition['Yaga.BestContent.Recent'] = 'Blah';

  • As stated don't ask addon specific question like this, go to the addon page, the click on "Ask a Question", that way the author will be informed and it will be marked.

    grep is your friend.

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