Limit Notifications to first unread
Is there a way to limit the notifications popup to only the first unread reply to a thread? It's annoying as hell coming back to the forums and having 80+ notifications because people have posted in three threads you're taking part in. You only need to know about the first unread post and you'll probably notice the others when you go to read that one.
Something like that?
I tried that one, but it only affects the emails sent out. Not the notification system on the forums themselves. It's something I guess, but not the solution I was looking for.
Alright, I see. So instead of being notified what happened in a discussion, you only want to see that something happened.
Although I understand your motivation (80 notifications for one discussion look like spam), I think changing the notifications to such a behaviour would be tweaking the default functionality for one edge case.
You would need to write your own plugin for that. But maybe that plugin is already more of a solution for you:
Thanks anyway for the help. I'll take a look and maybe just put something together myself then. I was just kind of surprised, most forum software I've used over the years have had a "notify for first reply only" option as default.
Just look at the Recent Discussions page or use the Latest Post List addon.
You can disable notifications. You can also extend the better notification plugin to work for notifications.
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