Upgrading to 2.1.11: undefined method stdClass::Reset() in class.permissionmodel.php

Tried upgrading from 2.1.8p2 to 2.1.11 and now get the following when accessing either index.php or index.php?p=/utility/update:

Notice: Undefined index: Name in /var/www/vanilla/library/core/class.cookieidentity.php on line 40
Notice: Undefined index: Path in /var/www/vanilla/library/core/class.cookieidentity.php on line 41
Notice: Undefined index: HashMethod in /var/www/vanilla/library/core/class.cookieidentity.php on line 43
Notice: Undefined index: Name in /var/www/vanilla/library/core/class.cookieidentity.php on line 40
Notice: Undefined index: Path in /var/www/vanilla/library/core/class.cookieidentity.php on line 41
Notice: Undefined index: HashMethod in /var/www/vanilla/library/core/class.cookieidentity.php on line 43
Notice: Undefined index: Engine in /var/www/vanilla/library/database/class.database.php on line 172
Notice: Undefined index: ConnectionOptions in /var/www/vanilla/library/database/class.database.php on line 175
Notice: Undefined index: DatabasePrefix in /var/www/vanilla/library/database/class.database.php on line 176
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::Reset() in /var/www/vanilla/applications/dashboard/models/class.permissionmodel.php on line 510

Anyone else encountered this?

I know little about PHP and how it handles object orientation but wonder if the SQL object referenced in line 510 of class.permissionmodel.php should be of type Gdn_SQLDriver rather than stdClass?



  • LincLinc Admin

    I would try re-uploading 2.1.11 and verify that files are being overwritten correctly. All of those Notice-level errors should not be present either.

    It's normal for PHP to report errors using the stdClass construct rather than the proper class name when it can't find something.

  • Thanks @Linc; I got there in the end. Still not sure what caused the problem.

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