How to "Unhide" a Category if Level2 (Unhide Subcategories)

phreakphreak MVP
edited August 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi all,

I had a sole Category which discussions were not appearing on the home/all discussion page today.
Also it didn't appear in the categories module in the #Panel.

It came to my mind that it was hidden. It was a subcategory i will call it a Level2 category.
I accidentialy hided it at some point today.

Unfortunatly Level2 categories do not show an Option wheel in the categories list view, so it's not possible to "Unhide" them for users too.
I moved it to to Level1 and so i could unhide it, but that is of course not possible for users.

Have i overseen something or is this a functionality flaw? Users should be able to unhide them of course.

Thanx for info,

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