Showing Users with Most Reactions?

Is there a way to add a page that shows the users with the most reactions? Similar to Best Of... but a list of users who have the highest number of each reaction?
Is there a way to add a page that shows the users with the most reactions? Similar to Best Of... but a list of users who have the highest number of each reaction?
Not currently, but that would be a fun plugin.
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Hmmm. Interesting. Would copying the Best Of... page code and building from there be a reasonable starting point?
Check out my YagaDiscussionReactionCount plugin from github:
It also tracks the total reaction count in a user table field.
Then all you'd need to do is sort by that field and display the list.
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Yeah, I'm wondering if I could hack together the MembersList add-on and use it to display reaction counts that can just be sorted perhaps.