Paste in footer before the /head. Where would that be?

There is no footer.php in the theme's folder, and I suspect something with bootstrap makes things different. I tried the code in
default.master.tpl so on in the Views folder.
The code is suppose to see bible scripture references such as Joh 3:6 or Dan 1:12 and on highlight with mouse pull up a box with the full scripture.
also looking to add Paypal button and might need to know the same information.
<script> var refTagger = { settings: { bibleVersion: "KJV", roundCorners: true, socialSharing: ["twitter","facebook","google"], tooltipStyle: "dark", customStyle : { heading: { backgroundColor : "#ea9999", color : "#20124d" } } } }; (function(d, t) { var g = d.createElement(t), s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; g.src = "//"; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s); }(document, "script")); </script>
I would be thankful for any ideas on this code and the future paypal code and it's placement location.
If you have a custom theme, you can modify the default.master.tpl file to include your scripts where you would like them.
You can also insert code right before the closing
tag by hooking in to the render asset event and checking the name:Search first
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personally I wouldn't mess with the admin.master.php, Period. Only you and admin roles will likely see it.
admin.master.php only refers to dashboard - no need to change
default.master.php is the place to change if you want to do a theme tpl change.
there is no footer template per se like wordpress.
look in your theme you can insert script tap within literals where you want
e.g. in post based on your code.
you can also control what pages the js is executed on in a theme.
see this for more examples.
then if someone posts the reference in a discussion the script would work.
you could also probably use the message option from dashboard to add paypal button or use and embed your button code - see instructions.
you could also make a similar plugin to forum donate, that randomly select some of your reference (by putting a gob of references in an array and selecting one for display in a panel. If you don't know how to do it you could probably hire someone for that)and then a new reference could be selected on each page view.
As far as plugins there are numerous ways to add js as well.
A plugin could allow changes on all themes.
changing theme is theme specific, depends on your desires what you change.
you have both methods now.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I said default.master.php, I meant default.master.tpl regarding bootstrap.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
once again, Peregrine comes to the rescue. It works!!! Not sure I care for the pink though, but that can be changed.
Looking over forum and reading lots of stuff, it seems that if you ever leave or take a break, a whole lot of questions won't get answered.
thank you very much.
you're welcome. Thanks for the kind words.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.