It is OK to Post Vanilla Tutorials with Code Samples on My Forum KB Area?

I searched and read through the various terms but was not clear about this. I have a tech forum (I won't link to it as I don't know if that is allowed). With my forum, which is now Vanilla, I have a KB area. In that, I've started writing tutorials for Vanilla, along with the other tuts I have there for other scripts.

My tutorials contain code examples - before and after code for newbie clients that want to learn how to work with Vanilla, etc.

I then thought about the copyright and whether that would break any copyrighting terms. I can link an example tutorial if allowed.

Thanks for your help!


  • LincLinc Admin

    Our docs & translations (locales) are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

    Our public code is under GPLv2.

    For third-party code, you must see their license.

  • I'll have to read those over a few times to ensure I follow the terms. Legal stuff always makes me go O.o . Appreciate the quick response though. Sorry for my late reply.

  • LincLinc Admin

    @data66 said:
    Legal stuff always makes me go O.o .

    That's why I linked to the tl;dr versions. ;)

  • Thanks, yeah I got it and believe I have it set up right now. Linked to the License, etc. No code is being downloaded, just small snippets. I believe it's conforming to the license. :)

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