Feed Discussions 1.2.1

Hi I cannot seem to get this plugin to import anything from my rss-feed of choice. A Wordpress feed that seems to be working in other importers such as Outlook etc. Any ideas of what can be wrong?



  • Update, seems like it could be a Wordpress rss-related thing cause I entered another feed too which is actually posting. But now when trying to add an additional one I cannot chose any of the categories. Probably cause I tried to change the layout of the forum but now I don't know why. Am a complete beginner using Vanilla :(

  • edited November 2016

    Please try this plugin and report back if it works better for you

  • CaylusCaylus ✭✭
    edited November 2016

    Hey Vrijvlinder,

    The links to the settings in your plugin point to /dashboard/settings/magpierss, and should point to /plugin/magpierss.

    Also, if you log out you can still go to /plugin/magpierss/ and add/remove feeds,because there are no checks for correct authorization.

    I think there was a discussion on here earlier about 'SettingsPermission' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage' being misleading and not actually protecting your forum.

    It also doesn't work with PHP7 because of a "split" instead of an "explode" in rss_parse.inc.

    I think liveQuery was also deprecated in JQuery, so I had to replace that as well for Vanilla version 2.3 compatibility.

    Lastly, I had trouble importing wordpress rss feeds with it because of something https/curl related. Now I've replaced that part with File_get_contents it works fine for me.

    This is the version I'm currently using (thanks again for providing the basis!), and which works for me.
    Instead of having to look up category ids and userids I also made the settings more user friendly IMHO. Could you take a look which improvements you'd like to keep?

    (I've also put the JS/CSS inline with the code to reduce the number of files the page had to load. Sorry for making the code now bloated! Free webhost was being bitchy and slow about having to load many different small files.)

    [Magpiefeeds.zip earlier version removed at author's request]

  • Wow, Thank so much Caylus, I will upload it as a new addon...

  • Thank you for creating it in the first place :D taught me a lot of what you can do with plugins too!

    Could you before you upload it test it first with a few test feeds of your own?

    It should work but I'm not 100% certain... That's why I didn't message you before I wanted to be 100% sure it worked as expected first :P But this seemed like an appropriate moment to bring it up ;)

  • Oh, and this version needs pretty urls to work.
    (when you start typing an username it does an ajax call to tagsearch?q=username)

  • @Caylus
    Typing any username in the input filed did not work for me, only System.
    This is on 2.2.1 also.

  • Woops sorry. Thanks for testing it out!

    Stupid javascript "error" (earlier version of JQuery apparently returns a json formatted string, later version of JQuery returns a json object as default. Never trust default settings guys, always specify exactly what you want :P)

    This new version should also work with or without pretty urls.

    Mods is it possible to remove the attachment to my earlier post? I hate to leave versions with errors around.

  • Seems to work fine now. I thought it was the js, but what do I know. :dizzy:
    If there are any future hiccups I'll let you know.
    You should really add yourself as co-author given the work you've done.

  • Great man! Looking forward to the results of your tests!

    I've got to say if I add myself as a coauthor I'd have to add Vrijvlinder and R_J as coauthors (among others) to all the other plugins I wrote, which is too much effort for me :P

    I'll stick with the system of them saving hours of my time if I run into trouble and me fixing minor flaws in plugins of them if I run across them.

    Until now the system works heavily to my advantage, so try not to clue them in how unfair it really is! ;)

  • Ok, thanks, look I uploaded a new plugin called MagpieRss please work on that plugin and post changes on that plugin and I am willing to update and maintain for the community. As time allows.

    I have ben hit with difficult times and have little time, but still willing to give back to this community regardless of the returns, I mean their badge system is buggy at best...

    So Caylus, please use the plugin I uploaded in the addons to further it's functionality.

  • @Caylus
    The plugin messes up css in the forum. Gotta check that. ;)

  • Sorry to hear about the difficult times Vrijvlinder :(

    Thanks for the time you're still putting into the community!

    Messes up CSS in the forum in what way Kiori?

  • @Caylus said:
    Sorry to hear about the difficult times Vrijvlinder :(

    Thanks for the time you're still putting into the community!

    Messes up CSS in the forum in what way Kiori?

    The admin options cog at the top right of the page lost some of it's css for instance. I think it has to do with the css you seem to add in the script, via code.
    I remember reading how <?php without any closing, was important for plugins as to not screw up the site's css. But I'm no expert of course.

  • Sorry, I'm still unsure what you mean @Kiori...

    Everything looks as I expect my own forum to look.

    Could you upload the HTML source of the webpage (https://www.lifewire.com/save-web-pages-in-opera-desktop-446534) and a list of what theme + plugins you're using?

    Thanks for testing man!

  • I commented this out and it worked:
    public function DiscussionController_BeforeDiscussionRender_Handler($Sender) { $this->addDiscussionCSS();

    I also don't see the need for this:
    public function DiscussionsController_AfterInitialize_Handler($Sender) { if ($this->CheckFeeds(false)) { $this->CheckFeeds(true); } }

    Maybe I didn't get it, but it seems to me you are checking the feed every time the discussions page is loaded. isn't this overload, doesn't it do that daily already?(i didn't check if it does)

    I'm not sure why you wanted that css in 'discussion', but you have a class "AutoFeedDiscussion", that as far as I'm aware is not standard.

    In the end, doing things the (i guess) "proper" way and adding $Sender->addCssFile('magdisc.css', 'plugins/MagpieFeeds');in the discussion controller, for instance, where magdisc has the css you wanted, also works flawlessly.
    Vanilla has it's way with css and the universe, I think it doesn't play nice with hardcoding changes.

    I did this for the settings css and disabled everything for discussion, I have a very custom theme and I didn't want anything added to it.

    Let me know about the checkfeeds on afterInitialize, and tell me if you need extra feedback.

  • Hi. This version is not working for me (vanilla 2.2.1). All I see is the new menu in the dashboard. When I click on it, I see a blank page with written 'Enable' on top (not a link though). When I check the source of the page I see a link (strange). I copy paste this link (I guess, to enable the plugin again ?) and I have the "error something happened" bad mood icone thing.

    I wonder, is this doing the same for you guys ?

  • @78__88 said:
    Hi. This version is not working for me (vanilla 2.2.1). All I see is the new menu in the dashboard. When I click on it, I see a blank page with written 'Enable' on top (not a link though). When I check the source of the page I see a link (strange). I copy paste this link (I guess, to enable the plugin again ?) and I have the "error something happened" bad mood icone thing.

    I wonder, is this doing the same for you guys ?

    you are probably seeing this image.


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  • Hi River. Nop I don't see this image. I see just a text with written : "Enable" on it. Will post a screenshot

  • @78__88 said:
    Hi River. Nop I don't see this image. I see just a text with written : "Enable" on it. Will post a screenshot

    update : I updated to vanilla 2.3 and now I have this 'something has gone wrong' image. will try to investigate

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