HTMLedit addon and Vanilla 2.3

Is HTMLedit addon fully compatible with PHP7 and Vanilla 2.3?
I would like to know before upgrading from Vanilla 2.x.
Thank you.
Is HTMLedit addon fully compatible with PHP7 and Vanilla 2.3?
I would like to know before upgrading from Vanilla 2.x.
Thank you.
you could make a test site and test before upgrading. probably the best idea.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
Thanks for your reply @River
Hopefully @Bleistivt can provide an update soon.
Whenever you deal with complex software, you need to update carefully. Most PHP scripts are not only dependend on the script itself, but also on the operating system, the PHP version and modules and the web server.
If uptime isn't important for your forum, you can do the update on your live system (but not without making an update beforehand!)
Go offline
Test, test, test
Go online
If uptime is important:
Make an exact(!) copy (OS, web server, PHP etc. needs to be the same)
Update copy forum
Test, test, test
Backup live system
Update live system
Test, test, test
You can use this software for free. Many people have invested a lot of time for contributing code. And you can contribute, too - even if you can write no line of code at all!
Why should Bleistivt do anything? Because you don't want to test it by yourself? Here is your chance to help fellow Vanilla users!
Test if this plugin works for you and give feedback. Either describe any problem as good as you can, in order to help the author to solve your problem, or give feedback that there are no issues. Even that would be a help: it would calm down people who come to here with the same concerns as you.
HTMLedit plugin works perfectly fine in vanilla 2.3 with php 7.0
He shouldn't because his plugin works perfectly.
The politically correct will say its ok to ask questions, but mewling to plugin author can be a bit tedious if nothing is wrong.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.