How can fonts/colors be set in the editor?

I'm using advanced editor but don't see how it's possible to change either fonts or colors


  • or what? the editor input in real time or the formatted? Do you not see buttons ? Can you not use html ? what exactly is your problem ?

  • Basically you have two options: one (which I would disencourage!) is to edit /plugins/editor/class.editor.plugin.php. There is a list of which features are enabled and which are disabled:

        public function getAllowedEditorActions() {
            static $allowedEditorActions = array(
                'bold' => true,
                'italic' => true,
                'strike' => true,
                'orderedlist' => true,
                'unorderedlist' => true,
                'indent' => false,
                'outdent' => false,
                'sep-format' => true, // separator
                'color' => false,
                'highlightcolor' => false, // Dependent on color. TODO add multidim support.
                'format' => true,
                'fontfamily' => false,
                'sep-media' => true, // separator
                'emoji' => true,
                'links' => true,
                'images' => true,
                'uploads' => false,
                'sep-align' => true, // separator
                'alignleft' => true,
                'aligncenter' => true,
                'alignright' => true,
                'sep-switches' => true, // separator
                'togglehtml' => true,
                'fullpage' => true,
                'lights' => true

    The second way (and the preferred way) is to change the settings with a plugin. You do not need to write such a plugin by yourself, it already exists:

  • Thanks RJ, I'll give that a try...

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited February 2017

    They are disabled because they are an accessibility nightmare. I strongly recommend against giving those controls to users. So strongly, in fact, that we removed them as features. :)

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