Advanced Editor Upload Picture and "Debug=true" problem

Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
edited September 2017 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi again.. ;)

After moving my Forum to another Server, thought everything is fine... :lol:
My Users pointed out, that there are unable to upload Pics.. :confused:
Aaaand there right!! Can*t upload Pictures over the advanced Editor...

I'm getting an "the file failed to upload" error..

Brovser console saying "....CaBaFoRuM/index.php?p=/post/editorupload 500 (Internal Server Error)"

Checked File and Folder permissions, seems OK...
did the R_J Script and the Linc Database permissions

Still not working.. :cry:

Strangely other Files, as .txt., .mp3. .zip are working! Maybe it has something to do with the insertion of the pic into the editor?? :confused:

I also tried the $Configuration['Debug'] = true; Option in the config.php file... but when I then go into any discussion, I get this error:

Searched all day for a solution, but nothing is working... :cry:

here are some additional informations:
Application: Vanilla
Application Version: 2.3.1
PHP Version: 7.0.22-1~dotdeb+8.1
Operating System: Linux
Server Software: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian)

Appreciate any Help, thx... :heart:


  • Nobody has an idea? :surprised:
    Really stuck here... :cry:

  • Could you try to upload an image and then take a screenshot of the ending of your error.log file?

  • If you get a fatal error in every discussion when debug is true, you have a serious problem.

    The error message is quite informative: writeDiscussionOptions is deprecated. That means that one of your plugins uses a Vanilla function which isn't supported any more.

    You can do one of two things to find out which plugin causes that:
    1. disable all plugins and re-enable one after the other, testing if the discussions show as expected after each step
    2. do a full text search with a good editor or a grep search through the plugin folder for writeDiscussionOptions (case insensitive)

    I guess updating that plugin would solve your problem.

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited September 2017

    @Caylus :
    There seems to be no forum related errors in the log file... but that can`t be right.. . :blush:
    I look into it and will give feedback.. :+1:

    @R_j :
    Sorry, didn't mention that I did deactivate all plugins.. as learned from earlier errors... :lol:

    so I used your second proposal.. searched my backup Forum on my PC with "Astrogrep" ... and indeed.... it`t the BOOTSTRAP THEME!! :surprised: (NOT the Bootstrap Theme!! :scream: see discussion below! )

    Ou maaan.... always disable all Plugins AND change to the STANDARD THEME when having problems!! :angry::lol:
    I`ll never learn (hitting several times my tooshie )... :lol:

    Ok, I`ll write a note in the plugin/theme diskussion of "Bootstrap" .... :+1:


    The picture upload problem remains...

    After uploading a Image with the "Baseline+" Theme, it still says "The File failed to upload" and no error messages in Debugmode!!! :confused:

    I`ll now try to get the error.log working, hopefully there are more informations... :+1:

  • The clean, unaltered bootstrap theme doesn't use this function. I guess you have some custom changes in there...

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Haha... noooooo..... I was slightly happy that it wasn`t my fault... BUT IT WAAASS!!! :angry::lol:
    I downloaded the original bootstrap theme and compared... :surprised:

    After so many flawlessly working forum years, I forgot what I had changed... :blush::lol:

    I put an views/discussion/index.php into the theme to alter the discussion views... :blush:
    If I remember right, I copied this from /applications/vanilla/views/discussion/index.php and altered it...

    and this was certainly an old Forum version... :blush:

    ok, ok... learning mode is ON... :lol: Error NO 1 has been corrected... :+1: step by step to a hopefully working forum again... :lol:

    ThX, R_J .. :heart:

  • Tell us what you have changed/what you tried to achieve and let's see if we cannot solve that problem more elegant

  • thanks a lot, R_J.. :heart:

    Let me first just find that upload error, then I`ll post my modifications to the Discussion View... :+1:

    My users get impatient, if they can`t upload some never before seen CAT pictures... hehehe... :lol::lol:

  • Sure, you're right.

    But like Caylus already said, you have to find the error logs...

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Interim report: :winky:

    Found /var/log/apache2/errorappache.log (changed it into "errorappache.log" to be shure its the Apache2 error log


    [Fri Sep 08 14:27:46.658390 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 4376] AH00163: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) configured -- resuming normal operations
    [Fri Sep 08 14:27:46.658431 2017] [core:notice] [pid 4376] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
    [Fri Sep 08 14:27:51.633180 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 4376] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
    [Fri Sep 08 14:27:51.725040 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 4421] AH00163: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) configured -- resuming normal operations
    [Fri Sep 08 14:27:51.725066 2017] [core:notice] [pid 4421] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'
    [Fri Sep 08 14:28:48.516293 2017] [:error] [pid 4447] [client] script '/var/www/html/testproxy.php' not found or unable to stat
    [Fri Sep 08 14:46:20.447520 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 4421] AH00169: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
    [Fri Sep 08 14:46:20.552323 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 4547] AH00163: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) configured -- resuming normal operations
    [Fri Sep 08 14:46:20.552350 2017] [core:notice] [pid 4547] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2'

    Also found:
    /var/customers/logs/caba-error.log (using froxlor)

    Content full of errors concerning my selfmade "plugins".. so I have to resolve these errors first... :scream:

    Also found:

    Browser Console:

    jquery.min.js?v=2.3.1:6 POST 500 (Internal Server Error)

    After searching for "editorupload" with Astrogrep, found:


    As suspected, it has to do with the preview image insertion, cause other files like TXT, MP3, ZIP have no preview inside the Editor and are working... :dizzy:

    So I`ll first kill my errors, then check the log again and tell you about it... :+1:

    p.s.: I think these errors (my plugins) are coming from porting everything from php5 to php7....

  • Dr_SommerDr_Sommer ✭✭
    edited September 2017

    ok, okeee.... I found this:

    AdvancedEditor not writing Images to GDN_Media

    Checked my DB, the mp3, txt, zip, etc. files are in the DB, but images that I tried to upload, not!

    So just FYI... :+1:

    how can I check if the DB Permissions of the "GDN_Media" Table is ok?? :confused:

  • :idea:

    Do you have the PHP GD extension installed?

  • Waaaaa!?!?!?!? So HOW in GOTTES NAMEN did you know that!?? :awesome:
    YESSS!!! It was the GD extension... :dizzy::bawling:

    You are a Fu....ntastic GENIOUS!!! :awesome::heart:
    I would NEVER come to this conclusion.... :surprised:

    I`ll not bother you with details, how I could not install it, hat to reinstall PHP7 and lost two hours of lifetime.... :lol:

    But your magic did the trick... :+1:

    I`m so relived... thx, Bro... :lol:

    If you ever come to Frankfurt, dont hesitate to contact me and well go out for at least 6 Beers!! :lol:
    (und das ist keine Floskel, das meine ich wirklich so!!! : )

    Thanx... as always, you`re my big savior... :heart:

    So where did I go wrong? How is this extension installed? By Vanilla forum installer?? Or how?
    By installing php7.0 and php7-common its not installed... I had to install it additionally...

    I like to learn from my mistakes... :lol::+1:

  • FFM? Selten, aber falls es sich mal ergibt komm ich darauf zurück =)

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