Are translations updated in real-time?

Hello to the community.
I have seen that the Greek translation of the forum is completely terrible and I wanted to change that. But before I actually start doing this, I wanted to ask something:
When I will change a string or something, will this be updated soon on the Localization pack or is it going to take ages for it to show up?
Thank you for seeing this.
Thanks for considering donating your time! The official translations are on GitHub and there is a short description on how to contribute:
Get an account on Transifex and mention someone from the team here in this discussion so that you will be added to Transifex' Vanilla group.
Thank you, I think I am already in. As I said, when I make a change, will it be auto-updated in the downloaded section or will I have to wait for it to get approved?
No, only the GitHub repository will be updated.
@Linc is there any process that has to be followed before a language pack can be uploaded? Otherwise I would suggest @GreekHosting mentions me here when he is finished and I upload the Greek language pack