The secret is officially out



  • funkee bizness!!!!
  • hell yes, nice work there, mark!
  • mmm. prrdy.
  • edited April 2006
    When you are ready to release your add-on, you will need to be a registered member of the Lussumo Community. Once you are registered and signed in, an "Add New" link will appear in the menu at the top of this page next to "Languages".
    Unless I'm missing something, it totally doesn't.

    Looks cool otherwise!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Thanks, bergamot. I forgot to enable the permission on the member role. It should be there now.
  • edited April 2006

    I'll get my extensions out once I finish writing readme files.
  • I tried adding a style for version 0.9.2 but it persists in saying that the Vanilla style 3 is required. Which it isn't because in 0.9.2 the theming engine didn't exist and so the only avaliable theme was the default one which was unchangeable.
  • ....very nice...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @ben: I've just added a bogus 0.9.2.x theme that you can apply your style to. Thanks for the tip!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    also @ben: I edited your add-on a little bit. You referred to it as a theme, and technically it's not (at least in relation to the Vanilla usage of the term). I also changed your tags so that they are comma delimited. I also edited the add-on form to say that tags should be comma delimited. It never even dawned on me that people would enter them in another way :)
  • No problem, thanks Mark
  • BenBen
    edited April 2006
    Ah.. Mark? Now you've edited it, it says it was authored by you.
    Oh and it's actually possible for people to vote for their own add-ons.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006
    doh. I'll fix it.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • BenBen
    edited April 2006
    Ok, here's something else. On the search page, the searches for most popular and most recent work fine. The search for most downloaded merely shows the list in alphabetical order.
  • edited April 2006
    Mine are up.

    Ben: have any been downloaded? If they all have a download count of "0", then they would probably be sorted alphabetically to break the tie.

    It would be kind of nice if the "most recent" search was the default, but i understand why it isn't.
  • wow awesome! thanks mark. now just to get some more styles :P
  • edited April 2006
    Nice work Mark.

    It seems most of your extensions are already avaliable on my Vanilla (i.e. they aren't extensions), I guess that's a difference between 0.9.3 and 0.9.2.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    One of the differences, yeah. That was definitely something I wanted to achieve by version 1. There are still about 20 extensions I've written that need to be added to the add-ons site. I'm just working out the kinks in those first.

    The really great thing is: if we can create extensions to do all of these wacky different tasks, what other things will people come up with?
  • As far as I can tell, the main limiting factor on whether an extension is "writable" is whether there are delegates in useful places.

    So far, I've only see a few developers run into missing delegate issues, but once 1.0 is out the door, it becomes much much harder to add an extra delegate or two.

    It occurred to me, as I was typing that, that a lot of the delegates were located in theme files, rather than library files, and that an extension could conceivably be dependant on a particular theme or version of a theme.
This discussion has been closed.