Has Vanilla development gone private?

I usually like to read up on all commits in vanilla/vanilla daily. Having built several applications on top of the framework I find it highly interesting and useful to know where the core development is going and what I may have to change to adapt my plugins to future versions.

For some time now, it seems all core development has taken place in a private repository, which was synced back in one large commit with the public repository once.

I understand that there has been a move from vanilla/addons to vanilla/vanilla (core) and some previously proprietary parts have been moved into the core recently, so I figured, this was a temporary measure to prevent leaking internals. However it has been three weeks since the last regular commit, so I'm wondering if private development is the new norm?


  • LincLinc Admin
    edited July 2020

    Seems reasonable to infer that, given this PR description.

  • BleistivtBleistivt Moderator

    @Linc Thanks for linking the PR. However my question towards the current development team still stands: Is the core development taking place in a private repository from now on?

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited July 2020

    Since I’m unclear if that was implicitly including me, I’ll add I parted ways with Vanilla in February, and had been on leave since October, so I am far out of date on any plans. I haven’t seen anyone on staff comment here since I left, so I will provide what little I know anyway.

    We never discussed going private during my time there, but I cannot think of any other rationale for a new private repo named “vanilla-cloud” and the public actions noted. My guess is they went monorepo (since there was a public poll about that, too, and being familiar with the pressures the React ecosystem added to the mix) and are doing a sync to the original repos. We were previously doing the inverse of that workflow for our private security patch repo (minority of patches on private; periodic sync via remotes). That’s all I know.

  • @Adrian, @Todd and @charrondev: Can you share any information on what is planned with Vanilla OS?

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff
    edited July 2020

    I can shed a bit of light here. @Linc is on the right track here. We've essentially done the following.

    • Consolidated all repositories into a mono-repo.
    • This repository currently is being synced on an ad-hoc basis. I've been working on a CI integration to sync it daily, but have had some difficulties. The intention is for things to be synced daily though.
    • This is an inversion of how we worked with our security patches repo before.
    • Vanilla OSS releases will continue to happen.
    • Vanilla 4.0 is still coming this year with a few major new features for OSS.
      • New theming system and new default theme.
      • Numerous improvements to our APIv2 endpoints.
      • SearchAPI and a new version of our advanced search are now open source (MySQL search is open source), Sphinx search will still be kept in cloud, but it is a pluggable system that anyone from the OSS community can write their own driver for (Sphinx, Elastic, Solr, whatever you want).
      • User cards.
      • Approximately a bajillion bug fixes.

    I've had what's likely a bit of burnout since the start of the year which is why I've been a lot less active here. @initvector will be the one to push forward that release. The main blockers right now are still defined here.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited September 2020

    A message at the top containing debug instructions

    Forum discussions for plugins in place of the addons app

    A branch "OS-fixes" on vanilla/vanilla containing community patches

    Ship the core with all locales

    Solid suggestions. I'd quibble the branch for patches is solving the problem in a way likely to cause other problems, but I understand the sentiment and agree the status quo has long been frustrating, as someone managing indie Vanilla-based sites myself.

    If someone has some suggested copy for debug instructions, that's still within the purview of something I could assist with, since I still have admin permissions here.

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