I needed to delete the old vanilla/settings controller

After migrating my forum from Vanilla 2.8 to 3.3, the forum works fine.
But I had a problem with the dashboard. Several links in the Dashboard were opening the same page which is the kind of categories administration.
After several hours, I found that the routing engine is confused because there are two controllers named "settings" : "dashboard/settings" and "vanilla/settings". In the new version (before copy the directory in my in production directory), the second seems to be renamed to "vanilla/vanillasettings". I deleted the vanilla/class.settingscontroller.php and all the dashboard seems to work fine.
I post this message to learn where is the error. Is a lack of Vanilla upgrade script ? Or do I forgot a step in the upgrade ?
Thanks !
It's in the upgrade notes: https://open.vanillaforums.com/discussion/36260/vanilla-2-6-is-here-includes-security-fixes/p1
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Hum, I think that I misread the line "If you are upgrading past multiple versions, be sure to delete the files from all of the version steps your are skipping if they exist. For example, if updating from 2.6 to 3.1, upgrade steps for both 2.6 and 2.8 should be completed." in the upgrading instructions :
Little question about that : why do not delete automatically this file (and others) ?
Thank you for your answer !
why do not delete automatically this file (and others) ?
Not all servers are set up in a way that allows for that. In retrospect, I think we should have, but it's a complex thing to create a feature like that and we didn't think it was worth the cost at the time.