Performance concerning categories

edited October 2021 in General Banter

Hi, I was wondering what impact having a large volume of categories might have on overall performance of vanilla forum and in what areas performance would degrade as category count balloons. My intent is to allow a private category to be automatically created for each user, and for overall topic count for each user to be 1,000+ with 10-100 posts in each topic. My goal is for user count to be in the 10,000s to possibly 100,000+ .

I'm not looking for more than a general guess since so many variables can come into play such as frequency of user activity etc, but I don't want to go down this road if it's likely to cause my database performance to significant degrade.


  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    Could not find the post in which it is mentioned but VF is used by large companies with large forums.

    Your hosting server might be bottleneck.

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    While having their own themes you will recognize Quicklinks and Popular tags here

    VanilIcons and Who's Online here

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited October 2021

    If you make a "Flat" category (under Display As when creating a category) you should be able to put thousands of categories under it it.

    There's a scaling bottleneck with the other, hierarchical category types because of data needing to "bubble up" from child categories that creates a lot of overhead. I wouldn't exceed ~200 non-Flat categories unless you have memcached and a lot of memory.

    Flat categories was made for exactly your use case, I believe.

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