Bug with Comment Protection 2.0

edited July 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Comment protection doesn't work. When I click to "block a user" or "block comment", I am sent back to all the discussion and when I go back to the discusion, the html content is still display.

When I checked the structure of database I noticed that after installing the module there is no new tables created.

I use vanilla 1 r460 with Centos4, apache 2.0.52, PHP 5.0.4, mysql 4.1.18.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Check your conf/settings.php file for COMMENT_PROTECTION_SETUP. If it's in there, try removing it and then reloading a page to see if it builds the tables properly.
  • No, I don't see that in conf/setttings.php
  • edited June 2006
    btw, that is not an emergency, I just reinstalled the last revision and I am reactiviting all the extensions that I might use... but thank you to look at it on a busy day. Good luck for the move
  • edited June 2006
    oops, I was using the extension downloaded from the addons page and not trunk.
  • reapreap New
    edited July 2006
    having same problem - with "quote" not working either

    fresh install of vanilla dloaded today.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Did you get the extension from the add-ons site?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited July 2006
    Hmm. Well, you should start a new discussion that addresses the quote extension (And it's author) so he/she can fix it... It's a similar bug, but with a different extension...
  • rad
  • furthermore to reap's comment, the blocking tables have been built properly and the COMMENT_PROTECTION_SETUP is = 1 in conf/settings.php.
  • ah... figured it out. reap, you suck
    your extensions folders were all named in lowercase. that doesn't work in unix.
  • how gay
  • and you da man
  • reapreap New
    edited July 2006
    is there an I ♥ ithcy addon? there should be.
  • i feel i owe you, after the whole reapmask thing
  • sonofa
  • I do not understand this thread at all.
This discussion has been closed.