Blacklist - Forums hiding the Vanilla text.



  • There's no "powered by Vanilla", but there IS a "powered by Elektonika"...
  • Search for Lussumo in the source. It's there. I just double checked.
  • Yeah, I just looked at that now and at the bottom of each page there it says "Powered by <company name>" and did a small double-take. Now I kind of want to eat some of my own words from what I previously wrote and regurgitate it back up to include "Any well known person(s) / company / product which uses and appreciates vanilla, should at the very least include some small linkback reference in their sidebar / footers or elsewhere for their users to at least know what it is". I kind of feel that "powered by" branding is strongly misleading there unless Mark OK'd it.
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited July 2006
    Although having checked that link to Elektonika it appears to be a web design company. They really should know better. They're making it look like they've designed the forum when all they've done is a bit of CSS.
  • lechlech
    edited July 2006
    also, let's keep this discussion rational. no witch hunts and flying off the handle by mailing them or bombing their boards or anything along those lines. If there's one thing I hate, it's zealots :) but we don't need to give anyone here a bad name. especially lussumo & vanilla.
  • I thought we were being quite rational at the moment. Operative word being moment though.
  • I'm not saying we weren't :) Just want to lay down some simple rules before anyone even has a chance to act. Mob Mentality = Bad News, even if it's small mobs.
  • Yeah I mean, any normal person (for want of a better phrase) wouldn't have a clue that its running vanilla. Incredibly misleading!
  • Good point, Lech. Mobs will only tarnish Vanilla's reputation.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've emailed them. Like I said, I understand that people will want to remove the links back to lussumo. But to take full credit for the application is a direct violation of the GPL. I've now told them as much.
  • Good! Should be interesting to see what they do! I mean to have the creator of the software contact you about an issue, could be kinda interesting!
  • Can I get my pitchfork out yet? I have flaming torches on standby too.
  • does not reference Vanilla either. A pity, since I reckon its a popular site.
  • I'm not sure but I think that's one Mark did for the site himself.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • I stand corrected.
  • it's good that vanilla is getting used by so many people - but trying to control slimy people from claiming credit, or not providing a linkback, is useless, a headbangingdesk experience that i would not want endure.

    what both of those sites are doing IMO is wrong, and they/we should remember that when they come here for any questions.

    but, i'm against anyone doing anything that would bring down the good ole name of vanilla. Mark has worked way to hard to have negative shit brought back here.

    even talking about it is like looking in the rear view mirror instead of at the road.

    plus - this is just version 1 by the time v2 gets here i plan to have my IrisScan Extension operational which will embed the vanilla logo right in your eyes, so everytime you blink you see 2 little eye-like vanilla leaves looking back at you.
  • Sorry for going a bit off-topic.

    Mark said:
    If anyone is interested, I've also got this one...

    It would be great with a "Powered by the Lussumo Framework" thing later on when Swell is about to be released! At least for the dreamers with big plans. Marvellous job Mark!
  • deel, representing or not isn't really a major problem while it hurts it's not as big of a deal as totally misrepresenting. Case in point gnarls forum, the "powered by" tagline there is about as accurate as Al Gore claiming he created the internet (single handedly upon a midget unicorn)... Basically the idea is: If you're planting Vanilla for the masses, feel free to hide the version number if you want. But keep something along the lines of "Powered by Vanilla" or "Vanilla Powered" with at least a link back to lussumo. In many cases, most users will know what it is but it helps those who don't and those who may be interested in using, contributing and developing on it. Maybe in future revisions a little notice should be planted upon upgrades and installs nicely explaining this philosophy. Particularly this is aimed more for commercial uses like we've been seeing, but I think that it's not limited just to those types as any large community could basically wind up doing the same. It's a basic sign of respect :)
  • i plan to display only a line of text like "made by mark" and my username will be mark as well ... i plan to sell vanilla in the eastern world for peanuts (just kidding *g*) but at least i want to use "powered by vanilla", i think it fullfills the purpose also very well.
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