Life, the Universe and All Other Things

ToivoToivo New
edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
when is 1.1 or 1.01 coming?
or was the 1.0 so good that no security or framework will not come in the nearest future?


  • If there will be a release, it will be version 1.0.1. No new features, but fixes only.
  • Christ man we've waited long enough for v1! Kids these days are never satisfied...
  • edited July 2006
    Hell, with 1.0 the extension possibilites are endless... I have no complaints about the framework. I hope Mark and the community takes the next few months to build the add-on library and promote Vanilla 1. Vanilla 1 for life, baby.
  • if Mark doesn't get his finger out and release version 2 soon, I'm demanding my money back.
  • edited July 2006
    No security alert yet.
    If the svn is uptodate, Vanilla 1.0.1 would be so far be just 2 fixed ("Some debugging code removed (echo'zero')", "extension.php definition added to the rewrite configuration settings") and some added delegations.

    You can check the svn log for more details.
  • Version 2? Pah, I'm looking forward to Vanilla Vista.
  • "Vanilla Vista"

    For hell! You ruined new evil plan!
  • Sorry, I'll scale back to Vanilla XP until the release date for Vanilla Vista is set, then changed.
  • would be nice to see a fully ajaxed vanilla in a possible and forthcoming release.(would be a logical step at least) lets say a mac vanilla gepard :D
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    or was the 1.0 so good that no security or framework will not come in the nearest future?

    Are you serious? Really?

    There will only be security updates when there are security holes - so far there aren't any.
    Vanilla is already built on a framework. Have you looked in the library folder? Notice that "Framework" folder? That is, in fact, the framework.

    would be nice to see a fully ajaxed vanilla

    You never know. I may change my mind. But I think Vanilla is as ajaxed as it needs to be. A fully ajaxed forum isn't a forum anymore, it's a chat program, and that already exists.
  • Mark, surely you can't ignore that you are way behind. phpBB is close to version 3, and vBulletin is already at 3.5.4, that's 2.5.3 more than Vanilla!
  • edited July 2006
    Yeah! And you have already Corel 12, that's 11 more than Vanilla!

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    1 may be the loneliest number, but I like it just fine.
  • we need security holes - and bigger numbers. my best software, well lessee, my photoshop is on to version 7 and windows office is onto 2003.
  • lol "windows office is onto 2003" Woah thats like 2002 more than vanilla. Vanilla really needs to catch up!
  • 3 is the magic number.
  • edited July 2006
    Mark wrote:
    >You never know. I may change my mind. But I think Vanilla is as ajaxed as it needs to be. A fully ajaxed >forum isn't a forum anymore, it's a chat program, and that already exists.

    this campfire thingy ... it feels like a chat and at least it looks like a chat (this is how a product manager would describe campfire), i thought it would be great to have a classical forum gui with full realtime abilities and access.

    the second reason is ...
    we would love to integrate our ajax messenger which we have on netquick also into vanilla , but i think its much cutting edgier if you have such a system (vanilla) as an _inline_ solution (no popups or full page refreshes) ... would be also interresting for all the pda/handheld/and cellphone users to have a "only one page - system"

    but as i said "a possible forthcoming release".. other than that no hurry and no worries , vanilla1 is a pretty cool system with a enormous growth potential.
  • err a fully ajax board its horrible. Trust me over at Peter Goodman did it. It uses up loads of bandwidth and his account had to be taken down :P also its horrible to use. I mean firefox has the thing where the image displays for at least a second saying loading. Also for people using non java things wouldnt it be a nightmare. Also think about the programs that read the page to users and such.
  • edited July 2006

    he should change his webhoster, the pageloads ar nasty... probably thats the reason why.
    edit: other than that ... vanilla is actually much more ajaxed as the k4 forum :D

    other than that you are right ... ajax where ajax make sense.

    but ajax is not so horrible as you said. sure you need a fast webhosting package (faster as :D )

    but at the end of the day its a question of ... a daihatsu or a BMW ? and a question of mark's plans with vanilla; the punbb/phpbb way or a slightly different way...
  • >> lol "windows office is onto 2003" Woah thats like 2002 more than vanilla. Vanilla >> really needs to catch up! lol Mark needs to find bugs and new features fast. Bill Gates doesn't slouch about. I heard that he now has so much that he has had to start giving it away.
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