Newest Members Listing?

edited July 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is is possible to add a listing (maybe under the "Who's Online" section) of the newest members who have joined? I know I've seen PHP forums who have it. Would be nice to see who has joined since the last time I logged in.



  • check Forum Statistics 0.2.8, I think it can do that.
  • edited July 2006
    Ah that would be great but that is the one extension that will not work for me. I get the following errors when I try to modify settings or go to the discussion page:
    Warning: unlink(/hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ Permission denied in /hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ on line 59

    Warning: fopen(/hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ failed to open stream: Permission denied in /hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ on line 60

    Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ on line 61

    Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ on line 62

    Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ on line 63


    All the other extensions worked really easy so I had just given up on this one. Can you give me a clue as to what the problem is? BTW I did try uninstalling, deleting the extension and re-downloading and reinstalling - but that didn't help. (Running XP Pro)

  • Donza looks like you just need to chmod your file to 777
  • edited July 2006
    Hahahah - sure! I knew that.

    Umm - can you tell me how to do it???

    And what does CHMOD stand for BTW??

  • im not sure though :P try it err in your ftp manager go to the file and right click and go chmod.
  • edited July 2006
    Ah ha!! OK my control panel didn't have anything called CHMOD but it did have a place to set permissions so I set everything to read and write (hope that doesn't cause any probs) and now the Discussion page is ok and the statistics are showing BUT when I go to Modify the Statistics I get the following error on that page:

    Warning: unlink(/hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ Permission denied in /hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ on line 59

    Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /hsphere/local/home/dstewart/ on line 63

    And I never did find a place where I could set CHMOD to 777.

    But anyway it looks like other than that error message (which only shows on the modify statistics page) it's working fine.

    Thank you!
  • Do you know if your server is running php in safe mode?
  • Mini
    No I don't know - how would I tell?
  • Good question. There's probably a way but your host should definitely be able to tell you.
  • hahaha - they don't answer questions very well.
  • Can you get a phpinfo file online?
    Make yourself a file called phpinfo.php and inside it put
    <?php echo phpinfo(); ?>
    then upload it to somewhere on your server and link us it.
  • I had the same problem, the Apache server had taken ownership of the files.
    I had to get my ISP support crew to change the owner to me and to to 777 also referred to as rwxrwxrwx.

    By the way, CHMOD stands for CHange MODe
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