Vote 1.0

edited August 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help

Vote 1.0

For screen shots and download please go here
This is my first Add-on - so please keep that in mind!
Please list any bugs or feature requests here.

- Add Voting to any Discussion
- Voting is permission / role based
- Easy to customise by changing the style and image


  • edited August 2006
    Good idea. I will try as soon as possible.

    You should add it to the addon repertory
  • err why are there empty folders in there? i assume you edited a original mod but you should get rid of them
  • ok i know why, you have not included all the database files and such.
  • uh oh - sorry we'll upload a new one tomorrow

    Ed (Ross's colleague @ CitySafe)
  • ok new version uploaded :) sorry about that
  • so if you vote on a discussion, then it ranks/orders it in some fashion or does it simply displays the results? nice work.
  • yeah... the right extension - at the right moment:

  • I like this one better...
  • is there a way that you can alter this to allow people to vote on the thread as a whole? also, it would be cool if they were able to change their votes as the thread progressed and the average amount of stars showed up in the discussion list during that time.
  • Thank you!! I've been waiting for this one for ages. Since it's just the first version, I have no complaints because you've done a great job with it. I hope you continue to develop this one. :)
  • Nice extension! A very great enhancement would be to automatically collapse comments with low ratings (like digg comments, for example). Thanks for your work!
  • @outbreak: yeah it would be cool show a per-discussion average (but only counting the comments that have been rated)
  • edited August 2006
    How can I remove the text under the Stars ? I want only the stars and no text. >:) Is there a way to make it default ON on any comments ?
  • Ross, thanks a lot for this! A lot of us have been dying for an extension like this. Although I do have a request that was mentioned before, I would much rather like to allow ratings on the thread as a whole, not a specific comment. If you could add that, it'd be perfect! Thanks again
  • Looks very nice. Would be great to have a Vote on Discussion. I was thinking of changing your add-on to allow ONLY the comment poster to vote, but that is only a half-way solution. The votes would still need to be added up, and it would look messy. Anyway many thanks.
  • Sorry for the silly question, but can someone explain to me what this extension does? It seems to put a star rating on every comment inside a discussion. My little brain is not quite being capable of working out how this is supposed to be used... Many thanks in advance.
  • edited August 2006
    It's basically for voting on a comment - a nice way of rating those comments from 1 to 5. For example, I run a forum for poets. Every week (or thereabouts) we run a challenge - we open a discussion that everyone posts a poem into. Everyone that posts has to vote on everyone else's poem in the thread. I think I saw someone else using it to allow members of his forum to vote on different versions of a new header image for the forum (see earlier messages in this thread...)
  • @jsamlarose: thank you for the explanation! :) A couple more questions, then: once I vote on a comment: a) does it remember that I already voted? b) does it 'lock' my vote in, or am I allowed to change it? c) does it display the 'average' result of everyone who has so far voted on that comment? - or am I allowed to see only MY own vote? And last of all: d) if a discussion is CLOSED - ie, no more comments are allowed to be added - can people *still* vote on the existing comments?
  • *bump* I am reluctant to install this extension in my running Forum, as I know it will add tables to the database. I do apologise for asking so many questions, but I am hoping that someone might be able to provide me with a little more information, to help me decide whether this add-on is right for me. The link from STE7130 takes us to a page where I see no voting features at all. Unfortunately, my German is not good enough to work out if I should be doing something in order to see voting results, or not. Would anyone be able to provide some answers to the questions above? - I'd be very, very grateful! :)
  • a) does it remember that I already voted? YES b) does it 'lock' my vote in, or am I allowed to change it? LOCKED c) does it display the 'average' result of everyone who has so far voted on that comment? - or am I allowed to see only MY own vote? SHOWS AVERAGE d) if a discussion is CLOSED - ie, no more comments are allowed to be added - can people *still* vote on the existing comments? NOT SURE
This discussion has been closed.