Why no donations?



  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I haven't got any other methods right now. I don't really know of any other methods besides sending it in the mail (See the donations page for details on that). I'm pretty sure I saw that firefox has another method - Maybe i'll have a look and see what it is.
  • I found the following comments very humble and inspirational. Good on you Mark - where ever you are... 1. http://lussumo.com/community/discussion/291/why-no-donations/#Comment_3301 2. "There is a fantastic community of developers that actively work with and develop for my software out of the goodness of their hearts." http://markosullivan.ca/ 3. "If you want help with my software, go to the support forums ... The people there are really nice, and I bet your questions have already been answered ...." http://markosullivan.ca/ When he said 'really nice' he was referring to me. -starscream
  • I just opened up my first Vanilla implementation to my user base today. I was re-reading the posts here and stumbled upon this thread. Definitely rethinking my approach to choosing Vanilla/Lussumo and will come back with a donation....read that as you will... @omfg, thanks for bringing this idea up.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Wow - we've really been doing this for a long time, haven't we, gang? 2005?! A lot has changed since then, not the least of which is the fact that there is a donate button up there in the left-hand column. Please feel free to donate as you please!
  • I've been using Vanilla 1X for a few years now and at last I have gotten around to thanking Mark for his fantastic forum with a small donation. Only just seen Vanilla 2 and I was, to put it mildly a little taken aback by the major changes to the looks.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @Keith - Just got the donation email. Thanks!!
  • As a web site owner/administrator who is NOT a programmer I would be happy to donate but what I want is a premium membership. What I mean is that I would like support beyond this forum and would pay for it. When 2.0 comes out I am going to need help or at least handholding to upgrade and make some tweaks.
  • @Mark - didnt the community pay for a laptop for you a while back, if im remembering correctly.
  • Is that the Crashbook Pro I keep hearing about? :-D
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @Immersion & @Lincoln - Yes! It has been a great laptop (and lasted me a few years) but it is on it's last legs to say the least :\
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