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Any Vanilla promotional buttons ??

edited August 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello guys, I wanted to include a button to into my version of the forum, but I have completely changed the presentation So, the question is, do you guys have a collection of Vanilla promotional buttons? Like this one for Mozilla Firefox If not, why not create one? (and I would be contributing with pleasure). But I am new to Vanilla and the entire Lussumo comunity, so I just wanted to know anything about this issue. Waiting for your comments. thanks Dennis


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    There is one. with a search you might find it... Or someone will find it for you.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Here ya go :)

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    Of course there's always this one.

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    Okay, that's just really disturbing... ;D
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    lol I like it is that your pic ASS ? you don't mind if I call you ass do you ? he he
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    Don't mind it, I get called that all the time. But no, that's not me. You can ask mark about it, but he was pretty drunk and I don't think he'll remember.
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Holy God in Heaven. Look at that hair!
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    So guys, if this is all about friendship, ethical communication, and collaboration on Mark's great application we all use, maybe somebody who is good in graphic design would create several buttons. I am not good in Photoshop or other graphic editor (unfortunately), but I am sure that someone of you surely is good! So, why not support Vanilla in this unique way? I am sure that if there were such buttons in great variety of colors and shapes and sizes, then many people would put these promotional buttons on their websites, like they do with FF. This way, people would see and here you go: more people joining the community and using Vanilla, and collaborating etc. Maybe someone of great developers out there would create some very useful extension for Vanilla, so let's find him (or her) ! :) What do you think?
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    I'm on it :)
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    Great.. Only one thing that bothers me is the words. The "Get Vanilla" main part is obvious. But what about the slogan? FF has "Rediscover the Web," as we all (hopefully) know. What would Vanilla offer the users to rediscover? Web communities? I believe Mark should make this one up. Any ideas, Mark?
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    edited August 2006
    something like : get in touch with vanilla ;) or do it with style ;) ? actually, i'd prefer little button "vanilla" because my vanilla is not in english ;) even if the pic is too large, i like the vanilla powered :-P
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    Perhaps buttons reading "Taste Vanilla", "Experience the taste of Vanilla" (too long?) or "Spice up the web" (as in, rediscover the web)
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    I'd say 'sweeten the web' would be more appropriate.
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    Probably right, spicy makes me think of pepper. But I think I'd phrase it "A sweeter web" (With or without Vanilla before it)
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    Also, spices are hot whilst Vanilla is surely cool.
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    edited August 2006
    Yes. the slogans should concisely state what Vanilla does or offers in a marketing-like manner. (Any advertising copywriters here?). "Spice up the web" and "A sweeter web" are both great! But I think users would think that it's some browser. What about "Spice up communication" or "A sweeter forum"? Reads not so effectively, but still it tells the would-be Vanilla addicts what this button offers. What do you think? Any more ideas?
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    edited August 2006
    "Sweeter communication" is pretty good. Or "Sweet Communities" (with/without Vanilla before it). "Sweet simplicity" reads well, too, but doesn't indicate its a forum or communications platform.
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    Or "Sweet communication". Pretty catchy, if you ask me. Would fit well with the people who are making dating-site add-ons, too!
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The old slogan was "The sweetest forum on the web". I personally love the line on that says something to the effect of, "Vanilla, now with fewer features than ever!"
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