People should need licences to use PC's



  • anyone who has a credit card can afford a mac $15-$25 a month ?

    I don't believe macs are too expensive they are a good investment, if you add up repairs, frustrations, meltdowns with pcs you could have bought 2 macs lol

    finance your mac, sell your pet dog if you have to lol go buy one, do it, do the mac thing (mac song)

    I think you can get a mac for $1700-$1800 that's affordable screw these $500 P.C. (piece of crap) deals
  • Yeah that's an excellent idea, buy stuff on a credit card with a view to actually keeping the debt there until the completion of the credit deal. Who could resist paying 15-20% APR on over £1k of kit?!
  • whaaat? pc-s are quite good. extendable. I didnt catch a single virus while I worked on my home PC for 5y that had no virus shield. Just supress the urge to click on evereything. pc-s are like hummers. ugly & powerful.
  • Toivo there is no arguing with Mac users, don't even try.

    The H2 is just a Tahoe with a makeover, not an actual Hummer.
  • Yeah, I know. The original Hummer is much better.

    Well, PC hardware is good. But the default OS wannabe on most PCs is bad. Linux rules!
  • "Shouldnt that be apostophe's?"

    No, common misconception. An apostrophe is used to show posession.
  • Or contraction. Or to add a fancy flourish to Mark's last name.
  • edited August 2006
    "can someone insert a Telephone number Field in the Personal Information section please?" :)
  • You can make your own field and put it anything. I put a field for operating systems.
  • I was being sarcastic, evan.
  • bad :P
  • you should use more smilies, minisweeper.
  • @garvin: can you please shut up about your #"%¤%/¤# phone number request?
  • I'm pretty sure garvin was taking the piss out of bentot when he said that, thomas.
  • thx mini, and my apologies to garvin for thinking the two of them were the same annoying spammer.
  • : ( i figured this was the best topic to do it under. our phone number friend belongs on that list of people who need a license to use a PC. or anything that involves reading and following directions for that matter.
  • now that you can run windows on mac you can throw out those horrible primitive pc machines :)
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