A plea to have Mark enable the quote extension on Lussumo



  • "...it's just that one of the things I've liked about Vanilla is that there aren't big quote blocks all over the place."

    yeah that. =) also, the lack of smileys in the core. Who the hell puts smileys in the core? real men do ASCII.
  • and because everyone who is ever going to use a forum are real men, I see no problems.
  • Could I put in a good word for a BBCode formatter?
  • jesus, no.
  • Why not? The HTML one is too unpredictable to use anyhow...
  • Hey I heard that :-P But really, what makes it unpredictable?
  • prince_of_oreon says:
    Quoting other users is the best way to incites flame wars.
    you mean like this prince_of_oreon ? lol
  • SirNot, I mean no offense by saying these things, but its unpredictable because when I last used it I had to preview my post several times trying to get the results I wanted and remove lots of the extra lines that it inserts. And besides, why not have BBCode too? You don't have to use it, but it doesn't mean others don't want to.
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