text overlapping on profile view? (CSS issue)

edited July 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
some weirdness when viewing my profile. it's supposed to say "lament."


a refresh clears it up, but it has happened twice now. odd?


  • Vanilla hates you!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I made a change to the css on that page. You might have to do a hard refresh to fix it, or it might be a new css bug. Vanilla has been fantastic at revealing the wackiest, unfixable css bugs! Huzzah!
  • @lech: yeah no shit. :) @mark: ok i'll give it a whirl. while i have you here.. i'm diving into editing the CSS. if you know off the top of your head the name of the container div that i can edit to change from 100% to a fixed width, you'd rule. i see .siteContainer and .body but i'm still missing one more i think.. thanks!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The .Head, .Body, and .Foot are all floating within the .SiteContainer
  • hmm... the "Bug Report | Terms of Service | Documentation" row and "sign in" row aren't clearing when I make .siteContainer fixed. and assuming you're working on a new global.css for 0.9.2, i'll probably just hold off on editing right now and play Battlefield 2 instead? :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Probably a good call. The bug report, et al on the bottom are in the .Foot The "Sign In" row is in the .Session container (which is absolutely positioned)
  • cool. i could've looked but i'll admit i'm lazy right now. :)

    and mark if you play BF2, we have a YH ventrilo server and there's a few regulars.

    bf2 thread with all the info. :)
  • lamentlament
    edited July 2005
    still happening mark.. note that to the right of the username is supposed to be "Member" (or whatever your role is), but it's gone. it appears when you refresh.

    I also noticed that you can't highlight the username? definitely might be a CSS issue.

    i'm on Firefox 1.0.6 on XP..

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    the member text is sitting on top of the username. I haven't been able to reproduce. It's probably another wierd one like the pagelist bug.
  • if its any use i had the same thing with the 'account' tab and my 'signed in as..' text on outbreaks style
  • thats so weird, i dont get any of these css problems.
  • lamentlament
    edited July 2005
    just tried it again and it's still corrupted overlapping.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    lol - Okay, one thing: for the record: it is not "corrupted". It is the visual effect of placing one set of characters on top of another set of characters. It makes the text look garbled, but it is still plain text that is not corrupted. as for the bug, I can't fix until I can duplicate. You're welcome to try to fix it on your own and let me know how it goes. If anyone else can validate (read: duplicate) the bug, please let us know here.
  • lamentlament
    edited July 2005
    corrupted sounds so much more better dangerous tho doesn't it? ;)

    edit: i've edited the topic to be more accuarate and less dangerous..
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    hahaha - Thank You! *bows*
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