Whisper improvement
I have a suggestion for whispers. There should be whisper text here "whisper block userblock comment permalink" so you don't have to write the one you wanna comment's name. Just easier to click whisper.
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Adding a 'whisper to' link would be a pretty simple theme change or extension. I might give it a shot later if work gets really dead...
Quick Whisper
Now I can probably get rid of that 'useless' and big 15kB ac.js script required only for the username auto-complete (also used in search it seems, but it seems nowhere else?!?)
I just changed the vanilla.css file so it hides the border and make the input box bgcolor the same as the form:
#WhisperUsername, #WhisperAutoCompleteResults { width: 200px; border:none; background-color:#f5f9ff; }
I also replaced the "whisper your comments to" label (/conf/language.php)
$Context->Dictionary['WhisperYourCommentsTo'] = 'whispered only to...';
Much better...
(note: I tried hiding both label and input box in CSS, the whisper mechanism continues to work peachy, but there's no feedback to the user that whisper-mode is being used...)
Although I do see a use for it, if you needed to say something to someone in the context of the dicsussion but felt it didn't warrant cluttering up the conversation.
As for emails, if you think they can't be intercepted, think again, although a more concerted effort would need to go into it.
I'm the only admin by the way.
It was weighed up against the complexity added by having it there and having to explain it.
(I know, I know it's not that complex but you don't know my members).
I can't believe you actually said and believe that.
"Fair" has nothing to do with it, "security by ignorance" sounds like a Microsoft concept to me.
I'm a little more honest with my people than that, I give them the whole story, that's why I'm trusted.
As a PM, the Admin would actively have to go and delve into peoples' inboxes.
In any case, neither are actually secure in the usual understanding of the term.