Let's talk about Wii!



  • Mark - you'll LOVE Wii Sports. It's fun AND a workout. My favorite is the bowling mini-games personally :)
  • I've been trying to get one for days, but they're no where to be found.
  • <rant>£179.99 — God I hate the way the UK gets so ripped off with just about everything</rant>

    The Wii certainly looks interesting so I shall take a look none-the-less.
  • New
    edited November 2006
    Once you subtract the £26.81 for VAT, the unit price of £153.19 means you're paying $297.88 for the Wii before taxes.

    So you're really only paying £24.62 over the odds in the UK, which is likely the result of an import duty, or such.

    [VAT calculated using TaxCentral's VAT Calculator and exchange rates using xe.com's Universal Currency Converter.]
  • Denied, you can rationalise it any way you like, I still hate the fact that we have to pay *SOOOO* much more for just about everything. I'm not blaming anyone specifically here, I just hate the result.
  • Yeah us UK citizens do pay pretty high taxes for things compared to other places in Europe.
  • Don't get me wrong, I don't like it any more than you may, but I find it easier to swallow when I see that once you put taxes aside, it's not as deep of a gouging as it first appears.

    In the end, though, it's all swings and round abouts.
  • It just makes me want to kill Blair et al...

    But anyway, about that Wii... :D
  • I almost got a Wii the day after Thanksgiving. Was walking up to the game store and saw two kids (about twelve years old) walking out -- each one had a Wii. I thought it was my lucky day, but found out ten seconds later that they got the last two... I wanted to drop kick them and their dumb mom. Then I realized how pathetic it was to want to slap a kid over a nintendo when I'm 27 years old. Go figure.
  • So what's the connection between Vanilla and the Wii, anyway? Actually, it makes sense. Clean, non-cluttered design, creamy white interface with sans-serif typeface, "underdog" market position, standards compliant basis (no HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray wars here)...if only the Wii were open source so I could afford one. Could we get an Italian mascot named Super Lussimo?
  • haha!
  • December 7, that's when it arrives in Aussieland!

    That's a Thursday, funny, all movies are released on a Thursday too.
  • Friday's the usual day in the UK, with Thursdays being for pre-releases...
  • edited November 2006
    249€ (=330$) in Germany on the 8th of December. My girlfriend pushes my to buy one. And I think she nearly got me. Does anyone know something about a Wii version of Super Mario Cart?
  • Looks like fun. I'd really like to try one. I bet I could almost convince the wife: Look honey! I actually have to *move* to play, it's like exercising. She always wants me to exercise. It's a pity that here in Argentina it will cost about 550 dollars, which is almost twice the minimum wage I don't think my wife will like it's price tag. :-(
  • I hate round abouts. Keep them over there I dont want them here.
  • OK aribal, now I feel like a whinging pomme =D (PS fx2.0'd GB dictionary doesn't have "whinging" in it!)
  • I was told the Aussie Thursday release was so that American film companies could add it to their mid-week totals for income. Don't know how true that is but it does make sense.

    Don't know why that would apply to a Japanese company selling consoles though. Unless they just followed suit.
  • I got mine yesterday, at the official release date in Europe. Nice!
  • edited December 2006
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB9Ru6vf0RU need. game. now...
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