If you're file is particularly big (ie. has a lot of html), try instead of putting all the html in the 'custom page' field, place it in static html pages and include them with a little php. As the custom pages file is included on every page load, it would be a good idea anyway to keep the amount of stuff you have in it down to a minimum.
well to me its smart just for you to post something like that... I dont have the php background to come up with something like that...
can I pull from a txt file, cuz I do some of it at school with restrictions on downloading/editing certain file types, and they are starting to figure out there is alot of ftp traffic...
I just started with learning from a book I bought at barnes and noble, so now I can sort of understand how a code someone else posts works...
(to sirnot)
I also noticed the extension doesnt allow some codes, such as mail to links and a few others...
Quote: Minisweeper <?php include('file.html'); ?> should do the trick i think? Unless i'm being stupid. Not too shabby Minisweeper, it didn't work until I replaced the single quotes with doubles but now I have a much more flexible way of maintaining Page Manager pages. Don't know why I didn't think of this myself. Muchos gracias amigo.
Fair enough. I'm not sure why single quotes dont work since the name of the file shouldnt need evaluating but then i wasnt sure it would work at all so atleast I was half way there
I have just installed the Page Manager Extension, and am having some problems with the formatting of the content of my page.
Initially, my forum had an FAQ setup as a "Sticky" discussion, where every FAQ item was a posting. So, I entered all the content there, including a lot of html formatting (using the Html Formatter 2 extension). This system, however, is not very good when we need to re-order the FAQs, as comments cannot just be reordered arbitrarily, and this means redoing the entire discussion from scratch... Not practical, specially with a long FAQ!
So, I installed the Page Manager extension, hoping that this would be the end of my problems. I added an "FAQs" tab, which appears just fine in the forum. However, when I copy+paste the text from the old FAQ discussion into the new page, the new text appears with *very* different formatting.
The entire text, for instance, appears in BLUE rather than black. The letters are smaller than normal comment body text - similar to the blue text in the sidepanel. The line spacing is too tight, so the entire body looks awful. And, of course, all of the html formatting I had used looks terrible.
In addition, all quotes (using the 'Quotes' extension) do not display properly - the colored background box, for instance, has disappeared.
What is happening?
How can I make my text in a tab page appear *exactly* as the text shows in a comment?
Instead of pasting the html code into the Page Manager HTML field, you should create the web pages as you normally would and place them on the server, then include them by putting this into the Page Manager HTML field...
<?php include("folder_name/page_name.html"); ?>
It will look exactly as you want it to.
Posted: Wednesday, 14 February 2007 at 2:52PM (AEDT)
@Wanderer: thank you very much for the tip. I've done the include, however, for some reason it has not worked. It looks exactly the same as if I had simply entered the text directly into the Page Manager HTML field.
Check it out for yourself.
@Wanderer: the AutoP extension would not help either.
This is not a really a problem with the Page Manager extension - it is a problem with *me*! When I type text into a page created by the Page Manager extension, I would like it to look like the text in my DISCUSSION COMMENTS.
But it does not. It looks blue. And small. And the lines as squished together.
How can I make the text in the Page Manager pages have the same style as the text in the comments?
I've tried looking through the vanilla.css files, and specifying certain attributes, but have not had any luck. I'm a bit lost...
@Wanderer: I tried enclosing everything in a <div class="CommentBody">, but it still did not work.
I used the excellent CSSEdit to find out the CSS hierarchy of everything that is applied to a normal comment. There are about 5 different ID and CLASS styles, and I tried applying the all, restructuring the page so that the nesting order was correct, but still, nothing changed!
I'm at a total loss! :-(
After several hours of frustration and testing, I found the solution. I'm posting it here, so that if anyone comes across the same problem in the future, they'll know how to overcome it. This, however, should perhaps be (at the very least) a preference in the "Pages Manager" extension - so that the text in new pages behaves and looks just like text in comments.
To have the same styles apply to your pages, envelop the entire page content in the following tags:
<div id="Comments">
<div class="CommentBody">
put your entire page contents here
It is still not perfect, though. I found out that the "Transmogrifier" extension, for instance, does not apply its magic to pages made with the Page Manager. Pages made with the Page Manager also do not include in their headers references to all the extension style sheets that are included in a normal discussion page - so if you use some of the common extension like "Quotes", and is used to using <blockquote> markups in your text, you will find that they do not display properly in your new pages...
I try to add new content with the same look of all the other pages and I tried it like this:
<div class="ContentInfo">
<div id="ContentBody">
But it still looks UGLY.
Result: http://www.investorsbull.com/?Page=terms_of_use
Any idea? What do you guys put in the "Page HTML"-Form?
should do the trick i think? Unless i'm being stupid.
should do the trick i think? Unless i'm being stupid.
Not too shabby Minisweeper, it didn't work until I replaced the single quotes with doubles but now I have a much more flexible way of maintaining Page Manager pages. Don't know why I didn't think of this myself.
Muchos gracias amigo.
<?php include("folder_name/page_name.html"); ?>
It will look exactly as you want it to.
Posted: Wednesday, 14 February 2007 at 2:52PM (AEDT)
Posted: Wednesday, 14 February 2007 at 3:34PM (AEDT)
It appears that the vanilla.css styles have not being applied to your FAQs list.
<div class="CommentBody".....>
Posted: Wednesday, 14 February 2007 at 3:51PM (AEDT)
IE7 problem, "All Categories" not aligned to the left.
I hope this helps!