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Do you prefer navigation on the right or left side?

edited July 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I was using some of the different stylesheets on here, and I noticed how some have the navigation area on the right side as opposed to the left (like the default theme). Which do you prefer and is there a reason why?


  • Left.
  • omfg, do you have a particular reason for that?
  • i really like it on the right (though i am using the default style sheet right now) that's why i made that dreamless style sheet that particular way
  • I'm right handed so I like my content on the right. Same reason I wear my watch on my left hand.
  • That's interesting...I never really though of it that way. But isn't there a difference? I mean, we read left to right, so doesn't it make sense to put the content in the first place you are going to see it?
  • Well my monitor is widescreen too. So looking all the way to the left would be a pain in the ass... If the menu is on the left the content is more pushed to the center of the screen, where my eyes are most of the time..
  • see the way i see it is with the navigation on the right it feels closer to my mouse... it doesn't feel like i am going across to reach at it (if it was on the left)
  • But since most mice have scroll wheels now a days why would you keep your mouse on the right side of the screen. Additionally, I just hit up or down when I'm browsing if I don't have a scroll wheel.
  • i am not saying that i do keep my mouse closer to the right... i'm talking about the perception my mind goes through when i actually have to move the mouse over to the left. it does feel like i am reaching across my body
  • when the navigation is on the right, i feel like my posting space is limited. when its on the left, i dont feel like it destracts from anything.
  • It's all a matter of choice based on ones perspective :D
  • im with outbreak on this one. totally agree. i think it comes from years of using email accounts where the conrol panel is on the left, just got too used to it now to change
  • I also like it on the left. It means that I never have to scroll the page to the right (sideways scrolling on a page sucks) to get to the navigation. That said, if a site requires sideways navigation ( the page being wider than some 1000px), it's obnoxious no matter what.
  • If it wasn't god damn IE, i'd have it position: fixed;
  • make the comment container overflow:scroll or something
  • left!
  • IE breaks it, I've tried. I'm putting more and more serious thought into that "FUCK AN IE" extension to deny IE users from even accessing my style. or at least my forums.
  • lech, that would rock! I'd use it :)

  • Yeah, I've always been confused as to why you can't define in a style sheet: widht: < 800px ; or something like that, which would basically mean, up until 800 pixels, the width is to be fluid and to expand, but it is to be fixed at 800px or high resolution screens. Also vinay, with a properly set layout, you'd never have to scroll sideways anyhow.
  • haha, i love omfg's name, i just read jesusphreaks comment "omfg, do you have a particular reason for that?" asif he was really upset or some such about his idea. And i prefer it on the left - mainly i guess cause most control panels seem to be - start menu, XP folder controls, the majority of website nav's where its not along the top, etc. And yeah i also feel that its like..stopping...the content when its on the right. Even though its not.
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