language file oddness
so i made my own Danish.php, and edited nearly everything but the administration stuff.
i also edited the "Sticky" text, but now i changed my mind, i want it to say something else again, but i can't find it again!
i also can't find out where to edit the "phantom" text.
and it also looks like there's no way to edit the "xx minutes ago" to something else.
...or is there?
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"xx minutes ago etc." are in definitions.php around line 450 beginning with $Context->Dictionary['XDayAgo']
What do you mean by "phantom text"? Some text definitions are in the respective extension default.php files.
I hate to tell you, but if you were doing a translation you'd really have been best working with the 0.9.3 files
For what it's worth, the definitions.php for the soon to come v1.0 is a good deal shorter than the 0.9.2... version and uses much of the same text.
I added to the file the following
$Context->SetDefinition('ApplyForMembership', 'Sign me up');
as it says in the docs
and it displays
$Context->SetDefinition('ApplyForMembership', 'Sign me up'); at the top of the page instead of the changing the ApplyForMembership text
what have I done wrong ?
$Context->Dictionary['ApplyForMembership'] = 'Sign me up';
Although, preferrably you should add it to /conf/language.php, instead of /languages/English/definitions.php so it won't get overwritten when you upgrade.
I haven't touched the definitions.php
what I have done is added
$Context->SetDefinition('ApplyForMembership', 'Sign me up');
to the conf/language.php in order to override the existing values (as it says in the docs)
and rather than over riding the the existing values it just displays the text I added
$Context->SetDefinition('ApplyForMembership', 'Sign me up');
bjrn are you saying that to the docs are wrong and I have to create a completely new language set just to overide a few values
I just read your edit
I have now put $Context->Dictionary['ApplyForMembership'] = 'Sign me up'; in the /conf/language.php
and it displays $Context->Dictionary['ApplyForMembership'] = 'Sign me up'; on the top of the page
should the be something else in the file ?
<?php $Context->Dictionary['ApplyForMembership'] = 'Sign me up'; ?>
i'm a muppet
Thanks bjrn you have saved me from my own stupity.
*smacks self round head*